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Americans Sell Their Votes for $10 Each
posted by cosmo on Friday September 29, @12:11AM
from the my-vote-for-a-burger-please dept.
Electronic Commerce If you needed further proof that Americans are disgusted with politics, just check out, which allows people to auction off their votes to the highest bidder. According to a Wired News article, more than 6,000 people have already signed on, eager to profit off of their democratic rights. And how much are our fellow countrymen's voices going for? Looks like it’s in the $10 to $20 dollar range, folks. Sad? Perhaps, but not all that new. James Baumgartner, a grad student at Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute argues that votes have been on the market since 1757 when George Washington bought drinks for all the voters in his district. Officially, the practice of selling votes is illegal, and there’s at least one group that’s a little miffed the site’s still running. "This website is an INSULT to every American who has ever fought to protect our freedom or for the right to vote in America!" raged Deborah Phillips, president of the Voting Integrity Project. The site operators got around America’s laws by, well, leaving America. Note to Congress: shape up, or Americans will ship out.

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  • 'Americans Sell Their Votes for $10 Each' | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
    The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
    I'd do it... (Score:0)
    by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 29, @12:39AM EST (#1)
    10 dollars for my vote is more than I've ever make by using it in an election. It's my vote, and I'll sell it if I want to!

    It's amusing that those who crow the loudest about "liberty" are the most offended when they see it in action. If I cannot sell my vote, then, I do not truly HAVE it.

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      Re:I'd do it... (Score:1)
      by hoyos on Tuesday October 03, @09:04AM EST (#2)
      (User #16 Info)
      The marginal utility of a vote is zero in elections for offices higher than dogcatcher. Too, voting isn't costless. So getting $10, or $1 is quite a pretty good return.
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    Boob's Law: You always find something in the last place you look.

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