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tomorrow We're giving away twenty Memepool teeshirts to the most creative and interesting pictures to appear on Am I Hot or Not? featuring the word "memepool". Entries must be posted by Nov. 12 and will be judged on Nov. 13. Send a note to after you've embarassed yourself publically. And remember -- if you can't be creative or interesting, you can be cute and naked.
to Memepool-Contest by joshua
Nov 7, 2000
Michael Moore's public and vicious reply to Gore's begging for Green party votes.
to Politics by skallas
I'd much rather have firefighters damage my car in the rare instance that a hydrant is going to be used, instead of paying the $100 parking fine here in Chicago. Luckily there's an on-line guide to dealing with parking Nazis.
to Transportation by skallas
My pokename is "Lopit." I live in the blazing deserts of Angola, and my diet consists mostly of fruits, insects and Dr. Pepper. I can spit tahini. I can throw nunchucks. I can throw broken glass. I can spit lightning. I can eat rocks. My natural enemy is Lickipuff. What's your pokename?
to Games by gen
Nov 6, 2000
The Dead Kennedy's Jello Biafra didn't manage to become the presidential candidate of the Greens this year, but he does have some great and sometimes wacky ideas for 2004.
to Culture by skallas
To illustrate what a free and open society we live in, there have been two huge incidents of political censorship just days before the election. One by a major newspaper, and the other by our pals at Internic. Vote your conscience on Tuesday, even if it means not voting.
to Politics by rsf
American politics. Yes, I know, I'm sorry, and I'll wait here. Welcome back. Have some water. American politics is a prisoners' dilemma with no favorable outcome. The Scorched Earth Party understands this and has made efforts to simplify the issues so you can vote sensibly and decisively. Tomorrow, when you're in that booth pulling your lever, remember these wise words: Every lead pipe has two ends, and if you vote for a lesser party, you'll be on the wrong one.
to Politics by braino
Nov 5, 2000
Ahh washed-up child actors... at least somebody still cares about them. And some people even keep their eyes peeled for these erstwhile sensations. While the sunken careers of Scott Baio or Dana Plato may be sad, rest assured that at least one site is informally researching why Diff'rent Strokes fell from grace. (I'd agree that the Very Special episodes were a big downer.)
to Television by dwrr
It's refreshing to see people tackle some of the major questions about the meaning of gender. Gender has economic, social, and political impact.
Memetics by djinn
Returning to the "age of reproductive needlessness": what does it mean for androgyny now that his and hers are identical on the internet?
to Web by djinn
Diapers are just not erotic.
to Sex by djinn
Nov 4, 2000
Think you or your girlfriend is a hottie? Post your portrait on Am I Hot or Not and subject yourself to the cruel mocking abuse of anonymous Internet users. (Tip to get higher ratings: Whiteness, youth, jiggle-factor and suggestive poses/pseudo-nakkidness are key. Like you porn-surfing memepoolistas don't know that already.)
to Internet by pjammer
Nov 3, 2000
Want to operate someone else's model railroad?
to Toys by shadow
Remember those twisted Garbage Pail Kids cards from your childhood? Well, if you're feeling nostalgic for those mutilated tykes, some fan just archived the whole series on the web.
to Web by kade
As a advocate of anal sex to prevent unwanted pregnancies, I'm finally excited to see an active organization that supports my viewpoint.
to Sex by kade
As the race for the U.S presidency gets tighter, The Iowa Electronic Markets, a collection of small futures markets run by the University of Iowa is predicating that George W. Bush is primed for a victory to Washington. If you don't think their opinion matters, please note that they've correctly predicted the outcome of the last three U.S presidential elections.
to Politics by kade
Going to Hell? Find out who's going with you and who's already there.
to Religion by kapital
These days lots of cities are jumping on the rail transit bandwagon, typically about 50 years after abandoning streetcar service. Some cities actually abandoned subways. Two such cities are Rochester, New York and Cincinnati, Ohio. The Cincinnati system was never completed, but a similar system in Cleveland, Ohio which had been started years early was completed, indicating if Cincinnati had cared, they could have done the same.
to Transportation by shadow
My name is Jesus of Nazareth. All my friends told me that the internet is a catalyst in bringing together a community, so here is my own homepage and my own search engine. Enjoy!
to Religion by rich
When I think of PETA (no, not People Eating Tasty Animals), I think of Veggie Showgirls, fighting for the rights of chickens everywhere.
to Food by enigma
Nov 2, 2000
If women's sneakers make you feel all funny inside but you aren't exactly sure what to do with them, be sure to consult the Keds Masturbation Manual.
to Sex by joshua
The Goth thing has been going for so long that they've all grown up and got jobs. So it's apparently time for them to get furniture, including beds for undead pets and the Entertainment Center of the Damned.
to Culture by fringehead
Meat Wars: Star Wars meets Red Meat via the Red Meat Construction Set.
to Comics by kapital
I recently spent a week in the Heartland of America. Little Rock, Arkansas is found at the crossroads of America's South and the Midwest regions; the result is a unique combination of Middle American cultures that truly frightened me a lot. It's a place where you can get ANYTHING 'Chicken Fried', where George W. Bush seems like a genuinely nice guy who is merely getting a bad rep from the media, and where the Governor lives in a triple-wide. Do you still think it's merely a coincidence that Arkansas is also the home state of retailing titan Wal*Mart or our esteemed President Bill Clinton?
to Travel by rich
Brutal News -- your source for up-to-the minute misery.
to Web by kade is, surprisingly enough, not published by the Democrats but by the Libertarian Party of Seattle.
to Politics by kade
Dancing, in its many forms, is a very natural thing. But someone always has to take it too far: Dancing with cats and dancing with dogs.
to Wackos by imploded
Sure, Distortions are fun, but now even the most Photoshop-phobic websurfer can try it on these two famous guys. Need more people to Javawarp? Try the list at Javawarp's homepage.
to Web by skallas
There are alternative voting systems to the ones the US uses, and many of them are detailed in Donald Saari's book. It's a good introduction to why we often accept the lesser of two evils (and I'm not talking about Cthulhu, you weenies). And as long as I'm on the subject: why the fuck isn't election day a national holiday? Please don't forget to vote next Tuesday, whether you vote for Gore (and his daughters,) George W. Bush, or George W. Bush.
to Politics by peterb
Nov 1, 2000
A man, a plan, a canal...
to Linguistics by djinn
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