let us know if we missed any story or discussion board about [V]ote-aucton.com

[V]ote-aucton.com in the Press:

[V]ote-aucton.com in the American Press

CNN TV: > the realvideo stream "burden of proof" the transcript of "burden of proof" the programm it was on: "burden of proof" [special news-segment/report airing national and internationally 28.10-30.10.2000]

CNN.com: Web site offers to sell U.S. presidential votes, Web site offering to sell votes shut down, Vote-selling website to be revived, possibly offshore CNN.jp: ???????????????????

Selling Votes or Peddling Lies?

Wirednews.com: Vote-Auction Sidesteps Legalities, Voteauction Booth is Closed , Close Vote? You Can Bid On It, Voteauction Bids the Dust, Austrian Takes Bids on U.S. Votes, Thousands Sign Up to Sell Votes

associated press / news.yahoo.com: all articles on yahoo [approx 15 ap/yahoo articles in total]

NY1 News: Website to Make It Possible to Sell Your Vote Online

USA Today: all articles on USA Today , Chicago acts to end online sales for votes, Votes Up For Auction Draw Official Inquiries ... [approx 12 articles in total]

ABC News: Personal (Campaign) Finance

Slate.com: Buy This Vote!

If eBay Ran the Election
Who would buy the votes and what would they pay?

Washington Post: Buy This Vote! (same article as slate.com)

Minnesota Public Radio's Future Tense: Sell Your Vote (real audio file)

The Industry Standard: Wanna Buy My Vote? Fuhgeddaboutit

Computerworld: Chicago board tries to close vote site

FSB business life: American Cynicism, 101

Auction watch: Straight Talk from Voteauction.com

Technodemocracy.org: VoteAuction.com & The Whack-A-Mole Defense

cluebot.com: Americans Sell Their Votes for $10 Each

Voting Integrity Project: VIP Reports - Going, Going .... Gone!

Fox 4 News, Kansas City: Voteauction.com founder, James Baumgartner, phone interview. 8/23/00 (not available online) foxnews.com

APBnews.com: Officials Move to Shut Vote-Selling Web Site

The daily Gazette: Web site offering votes for sale draws concern

Federal Computer Week: Is a vote selling Web site parody or threat?

Associated Press: Web Sites Offer Votes For Sale

Salt Lake Tribune: Auction Gives New Meaning to "Check Here"

California Secretary of State: Jones Issues Warning Against On-line Vote Buying Schemes

Federal Computer Week: Is a vote-selling Web site parody or threat?

Fortune Small Business: American Cynicism, 101

Chicago Sun-Times: Web vote sale all about buzz

Cnet: Chicago tries to close vote Web site

Eprairie.com: Chicago Board Vows Continued Legal Battle Against Vote Auction Site

The Register: Votes for sale online in the US

Cluebot: Americans sell their votes for $10 each

Everett Herald (WA): Bid to sell votes on Web rankles officials

Sioux City Journal: Vote buying becomes more blatant

NetworkWorldFusion: Is a vote-selling Web site parody or threat?

Thirsty: UPDATE: Voteauction.com up and running again

slashdot: from the retail-goods-at-wholesale-prices department

wetheliving.com: Sell your vote online

maxfreedom: Just how much is your 'priceless' vote really worth?

aboutpolitics.com: site of the day

[V]ote-aucton.com in the International Press


Transfert: Voter, c'est facile et a peut rapporter gros ! ; Votes aux enchres : suite et fin

Heise online: Chicago will Stimmenkauf per Internet stoppen

Telepolis/ixmagazin:Korruption bleibt Politikern vorbehalten, Anstatt Voteauction gibt es jetzt Vote-Auction.com , Auktionsplattform fr Verkauf von Wahlstimmen unter Druck, Schock-Marketing aus dem Netz-Underground

Lenta.RU: http://lenta.ru/internet/2000/08/17/vote/

transfert.net: Voteauction.com n'est plus. Vive vote-auction.com , Offensives judiciaires contre le vote aux ench?res , Chicago attaque le vote aux ench?res , Votes aux ench?res: les affaires reprennent , Votes aux ench?res : suite etƒ fin

Denni zpravy z Internetu: Vsechno je prece na prodej, tak proc by ne volicske hlasy?

Spiegel Online: Behoerden stoppen Stimmenverkauf im Web

NET-BC:Ein Bindestrich rettet Voteauction.com, US-Wahlkampf: Demokratie jetzt online kŠuflich?

dagensit: Vi funderar p rsstauktioner i Europa

uk.news.yahoo: Vote-selling site to come to UK

uk.internet.com: Internet vote riggers target Europe

die krone: Wahlstimmen-Kauf online!

thai108.com: Œ †Ǧ†?

ZdNet.fr: PrZsidentielle amZricaine: votes vendre sur le web

Cnet Singapore: Vote auction Web site changes name

futurezone: WShlerstimmen fr US-Wahlkampf versteigert

various offline, radio and tv articles/broadcasts

Chicago Sun-Times

Newsradio 551

Fuji TV: [Japan TV-Station]

KFYI [radio-station]

International Herald Tribune

KPIX, San Francisco

The Denver Post

CNET Radio: The Source for Live Technology


Metroland, Albany, NY: How Much Is That Voter In The Window?

The Independent

viva f.m, Caracol Colombia

ZDNet News

World Service radio


Reuters [Washington Bureau]

ARD Radio

Sunday Times, London

Sacramento News & Review

Inter@ctive Week


Carroll Today newspaper in Carroll, Iowa

Austrian private TV-channel ATV


"The Online Report" Dallas Fort Worth, Texas, Radio Show

The Salt Lake Tribune



WSPD-AM, Toledo,Ohio

WIBW-AM, Topeka


WEWS-TV Cleveland, Ohio

n-tv: tv-report "tomorrow" aired 27-30.10 [no realstream yet available]

Rush Limbaud [syndicated radio show, nationwide US], wpr.org [wisconsin public radio]

Article printed in newspaper "NRC Handelsblad", The Netherlands, dated October 27, 2000

orf.at [austrian TV]

KPAM AM 860, Portland, Oregon

Missouri Digital News

WNYC Radio

Metro Santa Cruz newspaper

national radio news in Denmark

National Journal's Technology Daily

Folha de S. Paulo [Brazil's largest Newspaper]

Tokyo Broadcasting System's (TBS) LA Bureau

WGAR, Cleveland Ohio

KIMT-TV Mason City, Iowa

Houston Chronicle


Daily Herald in Chicago

CBS 58 in Milwaukee

News Journal in Wilmington Delaware

Internet World magazine

TECHTV Cable Network


KFYI in Phoenix, Arizona

KURIER, Austrian Daily

German Public radio


WBEZ Chicago Public Radio

Chicago Tribune's Internet edition

CBS radio

ABC RADIO-Detroit, Michigan


The American Prospect

News [weekly magazine Austria]

KQED, the NPR affiliate in San Francisco

Voice of America radio

demorgen.be [Belgian Newspaper]

Delo daily, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Channel 5 TV news in London

Upside Today

Morning Edition

Format [weekly magazine Austria]

Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.



Internet World


[V]ote-aucton.com on discussion boards

Picnet: Selling Your Vote for Cash

FreeRepublic: Discussion of "Vote-Selling Website to be revived, possibly offshore"

apc.org: HOT SITES

slashdot.org: from the welcome-back-ms.-lee dept.

Chicago Board of Elections: the site

[V]ote-aucton.com related


thecaperock.com [ebay vote auctions]: The Going Rate For A Presidential Vote? $152 on eBay

Cnet Canada: eBay thwarts sale of presidential election votes

nationaudio: Vote buying: Evil we should root out

WashingtonPost.com: Conspire Under the Palms: A Scenario

ariannaonline.com: Media Grasping At Straws

Homeowner.com: RATS - The Election Is Coming

October 3, 2000: [V]ote-aucton.com Action Team visits the first U.S. Presidential debates. Over 200 voter empowerment kits are distributed to the crowd gathered outside the JFK Library.

August 28, 2000: [V]ote-aucton.com re-launches with added features to better serve the user.

August 22, 2000: [V]ote-aucton.com is sold to an Austrian Holding company for an undisclosed sum.

Let us know if we missed any story or discussion board about voteaucton.com pr@vote-auction.com