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Whitney Museum of American Art
For the first time, the "Biennial" exhibition running from March 23-June 4 will feature nine Internet artists who represent the "aesthetic diversity that mirrors the vitality and versatility of the medium."

"Whitney Speaks: It Is Art"
The Whitney's "Biennial" exhibition is considered a barometer of what's currently hot in the art world, so Internet art seems like a logical choice. From Wired News

Creator Lew Baldwin says his site has "evolved into a depository for the subconscious."

This maze of hyperlinks leads clickers from one supergood designed page to another, and we also think there might be a message in there somewhere.

More pop-up windows than a porn site, but they tell us it's art.

This one we like, as novelist Darcey Steinke writes an interactive short story that could be a glimpse into the future of publishing.

Sampling Broadway
It's like five webcams on the streets of Manhattan with an artistic focus.

This site's purpose is to oppose the corporate world it imitates. We read that somewhere.

Ouija 2000
Will this game of Ouija with a mouse pass as art? Goodbye

Every Icon
A program that generates every combination of black-and-white squares in a grid of 32x32. It says it makes one think of the possibilities

"Depicts a near-future world where stories are no longer conceived for book production but are instead created for a more immersive networked-narrative environment that, taking place on the Net, calls into question how a narrative is composed, published and distributed in the age of digital dissemination." Wow!

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