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In Need of a Read?  Welcome . . . to the APRIL edition of berniE-zine.  It is my goal to give people an alternative to the same "best selling authors" who continue to dominate the reading charts.

A BIG HELLO to all you Whitney Museum-goers who are viewing this through
RTMARK's Exhibit
at the Whitney Biennial !!!

April is National Poetry Month, so I've reviewed three (yes, three!) books of poetry for this ediion of berniE-zine: Blue Tattoo, by the prolific Lyn Lifshin, Part Of, the award-winning chapbook by Hiram Larew, and Bad Names for Women, by Hilary Tham.  Our link of the month will help you kill time at work with an online version of those lovable refrigerator poetry magnets.

As a special feature for readers, berniE-zine's reviews are now indexed By Author and By Title.  Now, you'll be able to quickly see if the author or title you're looking for has been reviewed here!

I have given up on trying to update the Independent Bestsellers List on this web site and will just refer you to it's natural home at

I sincerely hope you enjoy this site . . . As always, non-thinkers need not apply . . .

                                                      Bernadette "bernie" Geyer
In Need of a Read?  Welcome . . . to the APRIL edition of berniE-zine.  It is my goal to give people an alternative to the same "best selling authors" who continue to dominate the reading charts.

A BIG HELLO to all you Whitney Museum-goers who are viewing this through
RTMARK's Exhibit
at the Whitney Biennial !!!

April is National Poetry Month, so I've reviewed three (yes, three!) books of poetry for this ediion of berniE-zine: Blue Tattoo, by the prolific Lyn Lifshin, Part Of, the award-winning chapbook by Hiram Larew, and Bad Names for Women, by Hilary Tham.  Our link of the month will help you kill time at work with an online version of those lovable refrigerator poetry magnets.

As a special feature for readers, berniE-zine's reviews are now indexed By Author and By Title.  Now, you'll be able to quickly see if the author or title you're looking for has been reviewed here!

I have given up on trying to update the Independent Bestsellers List on this web site and will just refer you to it's natural home at

I sincerely hope you enjoy this site . . . As always, non-thinkers need not apply . . .

                                                      Bernadette "bernie" Geyer
This site was updated on April 1, 2000
I have had                        visitors since September 23, 1998
book reviews & more
April 2000

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