greetings! and welcome to..., baby.

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        frequent posters: agrovista | bjorn | srhodes | 'witz | le | krusty | ethanb | justin
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click and drag the joints. I am,
however, disturbed by how much fun I had messing with the little

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Subject: NO 666 WAY!!!!

This is devilishly amaaaaaaaayzing!
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Internet art is a biennial first. Much has been made of this fact. Unfortunately, most of the sites I visited didn't amount to much more than scrolling texts, fuzzy pictures, remote video cameras and interactive gimmicks. They were slow to download and visually inert. One of these days the Internet will come up with something good, but Mark Amerika's "Grammatron" ( typifies the problem: "a thematic hybrid of cyberspace, cabala mysticism and critical theory," is how the Biennial catalog describes it. It's worse:

oceans of jittery photos and disconnected phrases like "he is him and I would be her if only she would let me" and "the It transponding my feelings for me."

Ben Benjamin's "Superbad" is better, a funhouse of abstract animation, visual gags and Op teasers, easy to access, graded for different Net skills. Like most Net art, it exploits the Web's random, helter-skelter ethos. Ken Goldberg's "Ouija 2000" isn't bad, either, a remote Ouija board that's a metaphor for the mystification of the Web and the public's unquestioning faith in it.

-NY Times art critic Michael Kimmelman review of the 2000 Whitney Biennial  (links added).

rtmark is briefly putting up web pages from anyone who sends in a url in their whitney exhibition space.  I already sent in and a bunch of other sites.

  There is a short Wired News article on the project.

I've had the site open for a while as I've been working.

  It is getting almost addictive seeing the range of pages that come up every couple of minutes or so.

  Everything from Borman Elementary School in Tuscon, AZ to the art games site hexatron.comto a Backstreet Boys fan page to Art Jock to spacegirl to a bunch of sites to a page shouting, "I'M IN THE WHITNEY BIENNIAL! I WISH MY PARENTS WERE ALIVE TO SEE THIS! MOM AND DAD, IF YOU'RE WATCHING FROM HEAVEN, I MADE IT! I'M IN THE WHITNEY BIENNIAL! ." has also been enshrined there.

  I think the internet has already come up with something good.

I'll write another item soon on controversy over Han Haacke's installation Sanitation.

Steve Rhodes

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for the sake of having an honest and exhaustive vagina reference out
there here is all about
. current topics are cervix, colour, discharge, fur, muscles,
names, pap smears, smell, and underwear.  coming soon are anatomy,
bleeding, clitoris, expulsion, grooming, g-spot, licking, masturbation,
orgasms, sex, slipperiness, soreness, symmetry, taste, etc.

most of it isn't perverted.

love sarah

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Corey Miles sez:

Hey Kids! I'm feeling a little phlegmy, how bout you?
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office party inside joke, pay for the domain name, and you have yrself
instant fun with words.

sorry no url
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Figured people might be interested in The Journal of MundaneBehavior. It's an online journal dedicated to the stuff that nobody evertalks about doing because they're used to doing it all the time.It's the sort of thing I think about all the time. Kind of makes my headhurt. Specifically the PR that people give about the (often boring or notTHAT extraordinary) things they do with their time. There seems to be acultural bias against admitting that humans fuck stuff up/do weirdstuff that makes no sense.

-darwin( so you want to be a hero.

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In case you were wondering what the food trends were on Death Row:

K Mahoney
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An old email pal of mine, Mark Driver is a scathingly funny, hopeful,
erratic writer with a penchant for horribly loud noise and tossing dead
rats of revenge into BMW's. He instructs us all on the right way to beat
up a girl, the dangers of PCP on an empty stomach, and torturing people by
force-feeding them twinkies. I used to be a great fan of the crashsite,
which is lovingly archived here (the last version). It was always a place
where I could catch up with Mr. Driver and learn how to make my own
flaming potato cannon. Now Mark continues with Blindwino....check out the
drunkdriver archives and go all the way to the bottom and read to the top.
Fucking hilarity shall ensue.
Auntie Coagulant
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a cool ugly motel in Wisconsin shaped like a turkey.

"The Gobbler"

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Salon has just launched a new site where Andrew Leonard is posting the book he is writing on the free software movement as a work-in-progress inviting comments and suggestions from readers.  

He's also keeping a diary as he writes the book. Andrew wrote the excellent book Bots (which was expanded from an article he did for wired) and has been doing good tech coverage for salon.  This should be an interesting experiment to watch.

Steve Rhodes

Also, speaking of new sites, we've launched a redesign of Tom Tomorrow's This Modern World site with lots of new material.
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Jeannette.Harshbarger sez:
How to discuss blowfish with your child.
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another fetish you never thought of.

-- elly -- ------->
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Amazing, Canada is trying to surpress the stripping profession. Damn! I guess
there really IS no reason to go to Canada any more. The immigration doesn't
want to let a Romanian strip...Bummer.

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The absolute king of experimental flash and shockwave animations is James 
Paterson check out his stuff at  it is definitely 
worth spending an hour or two checking out. or more
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Go to or planning on going to UC Irvine? Maybe you should think about a degree in gaming.


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Dude. He really _is_ scary.

-Dave Wood
[arrow out]  out there: captures the sounds of famous aircraft on CD.  Hear
engines starting up, planes taxiing, planes flying by, sonic booms!

They have stereo RealAudio samples on their site, and they sound

P-38 Lightning fly past

P-51 Mustang taxi take off

T-28 Race


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- Bjorn -
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Documentary filmmaker Errol Morris' First Person debuts Wed. March 1st at 10:30 pm ET on Bravo.  The first episode is on Temple Grandin.  She is a prof. of animal sciences who has designed about a third of the slaughterhouses in the us.  She is also autistic.  There was a good interview with her on fresh air a few years ago.

Steve Rhodes

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You can't be David Hasselhoff, but you can drive a car like David Hassekhoff.

And I didn't even know there WAS a "knight rider community."

Professor J. Scola - Circling the Square
 amazing crap:

the country with the biggest percentage of heads of household being women is Botswana

in here Bjorn's Totporn
Egg on Star Wars
Gary on the Phantom Menace

old in here

darwin fish eli lehrer tests the independent bookstore extinction paradigm and joins the borders & noble welcome wagon!

old out there
That disney thing is funny but total bullshit. For more information on the Disney hoax please see:

mining co - urban legend debunker stud

My web site:


Jonathan Hurwitz

old out there:
all of october '99 (huger and huger)

all of september '99 (huge)

or older stuff

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art/logos by Wilson Kello