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From: Janice_G _-at-_
To: mai-not _-at-_
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 14:47:41 +1200
X-Mailer: Opera 5.02 build 856a

The  funniest story about a group of anti-global activists with a bogus WTO website
who got themselves an invite to address a conference of International Bankers which
they dutifully accepted. 

 March 2001
Pranksters Pull Off Hoax With Fake Website

A group known as The Yes Men,an anti-globalization activism group, pulled off a startling
prank recently. It began with a fakeWorld Trade Organization website that looks much like the
real thing. Apparently, a convention of lawyers didn't look too closely when viewing
the fake site, and so the lawyers convention requested that Micheal Moore, head of the WTO,
speak at their convention. All too happy to oblige, the Yes Men sent their representative,
posing as one of Moore's colleagues, to lecture the lawyers on the real agenda of the WTO.

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