Tasty Site

Subject: Tasty Site
From: Maureen Anderson (manders@midway.uchicago.edu)
Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 18:41:01 EST

Much more delicious and not to mention ingenious than bonsai-fluffy pranks.

In fact if it's true, it's the most masterful prank I've heard of in
quite a while. The site was forwarded by a NY-DAN friend, who
assured that the fake WTO homepage is definitely real, and who's
under the impression this actually was pulled off. (Anyone who knows
otherwise, please disillusion me before I forward it any further!)

The link http://www.theyesmen.org/wto/ describes and documents the
prank. Scroll down on the left for a chronological summary, and on
the right to read the funny, amazing, written correspondence it

Apologies if this has already been posted (the event took place in
Salzburg in Oct., 2000).


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