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What\'s your pick for the dumbest moment?
Ex-Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling says he can\'t remember details of a key meeting because \"the room was dark\"
Kimberly-Clark introduces Cottonelle Fresh Rollwipes
Fox News hires Geraldo Rivera and sends him to Afghanistan
A Lipton ad suggests onion dip to improve the flavor of the body of Christ
EMI gives Mariah Carey a $21 million signing bonus and then buys out her contract for $28 million more
The Association of Lloyd\'s Members calls Sept. 11 a \"historic opportunity\" for insurance underwriters to make money
MSNBC tragically misspells the first name of Republican consultant Niger Innis
Steve Ballmer dances at a Microsoft employee event
Linda Lay\'s tearful appearance on NBC\'s Today
Philip Morris\'s economic analysis of the \"indirect positive effects\" of early deaths

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