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Smart and Simple Weblog Service. Simply Signup and start blogging!!

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BlogSnob™ is an experimental service for members of the blogging community. It enables you to tell everyone Out There about your blog, thru simple textbased ads. It's FREE, it's fast, and it's downright simple. Besides, it's a great way to get to know about new blogs!
  How this works, is quite simple. You have a  personal website. You insert a simple piece of code into your page. Everytime someone views your site, a small text ad of another blog shows up on your page. To know more, click here.

s n o b l o g g i n g

They put some pages in,
They take some pages out,
They calculate the PageRank,
Then they shake it all about,
They wait until the full moon
Then they mix the servers up,
Thats what its all about.

rofl. Lots of more useful information about everyone's favourite search engine, at WebMasterWorld.

[posted by arnab on Jun 30 02 :: 1 comments]

MovableType 2.2 is available, with cool things like TrackBack and the thing I was praying for: MySQL support. Also, Ben & Mena have a new-look page.
Cool, very cool.

[posted by arnab on Jun 27 02 :: 0 comments]

ScriptyGoddess - Scripting for weblogs. Excellent resource.

[posted by arnab on Jun 27 02 :: 0 comments]

[About the problem yesterday: read comments in previous post.]

New Features: We're going to beta The "groups" feature soon. This feature allows you to become part of one or more "groups", and you modify your adcode to allow ads only from your groups.

This way we can have, say a "Persian" group where all people writing in persian can add their names. Now, it will be possible to show only persian blogs in your ad.

Now, I'm having difficulty in deciding what groups to create...

Here's some I've thought of already:


Computer Freaks

I need more suggestions!! Comment away, folks!
The best group suggestion will get a free gift! :P

[posted by arnab on Jun 26 02 :: 11 comments]

The weather is warm and sunny now.

[posted by arnab on Jun 25 02 :: 8 comments]

Nick has presented us with 2 new free blogger tools. The first is a PHP photo album that looks fabulous! I can't wait to try this one out!! The second is a broswer based html editor. Drop by and give them a try! :o)

[posted by maria on Jun 22 02 :: 2 comments]

Congrats to Bianca for becoming User number 3500.

[posted by arnab on Jun 19 02 :: 4 comments]

Annotate your world with Enetation - another PHP/MySQL blog comment tool... looks interesting...

[posted by arnab on Jun 16 02 :: 0 comments]

 S A M P L E


The link above is actually a blogsnob ad - it blends into your design, and thus you get completely unobtrusive ads, which are fully customizable. [how to customize]

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