Antisystemic Protest

In Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, we ask whether or not the many forms of social and political protest current in the world today share opposition to the expansion of the culture of capitalism.  Thus a question becomes whether or not each of the protests represented in the following list of web sites share a common goal, or whether they are unrelated, each movement pursuing its own separate goals?  This page contains links to general antisystemic sites and organizations,  labor protest sites, indigenous protest sites, environmental protest sites, feminist protest sites, minority protest sites, and political protest sites.  There is, of course, often considerable overlap in the sites, many explicitly identifying capitalist expansion as the object of their protest.


Anarchism International

Anarchism is a movement largely opposed to state power, the state viewed as "the organised violence of the bourgeoisie against the workers and the system of its executive organs."  Its main doctrines formed in the late 19th Century, its main figures included Peter Kropotkin and Mikhail Bakunin in Europe, and Emma Goldman in the United States.  At Anarchism International you can find the Organizational Platform of the Libertarian Communists, some historical background on the evolution of the Organizational Platform, various documents, along with links to other anarchist sites.

Anarchist Groups of New York

A good point of entry to various anarchist groups in New York, with links to other anarchist organizations around the world.  You might want to check out the essay by Emma Goldman, "Syndicalism: Its Theory and Practice," for one statement of the goals and purposes of anarchism by one of its major proponents..

Arm the Spirit  (Censored by UCSD)

Arm The Spirit defines itself as "an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based in Toronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including political prisoners, national liberation struggles, armed communist resistance, anti-fascism, the fight against patriarchy, and more."  At the site you'll find an extensive collection of articles on antisystemic protest, as well as reports on current affairs taken from news accounts.   Check out, for example, the collection of articles on anti-abortion violence in the United States.  You'll also find links to various nationalistic movements, such as the Kurdish national liberation movement, and Peru's Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA).

Boycott Action News

One way to protest the excesses of the culture of capitalism is to boycott it; that is, refuse to purchase the products of corporations that abuse employees, consumers, or the environment.  At this site you can get information on existing boycotts and the reasons for them.  You can also find out whether or not they get results.

Cocaine Importing Agency

This site is about the accusations that CIA operatives, largely working in Central America, were involved in the wholesale smuggling of cocaine into the United States.  This sites examines those accusations and the role that drugs have played in intelligence operations carried out by employees of the CIA.

Committees of Coorespondence for a Democratic and Socialist Future

Modeling themselves after the committees of the thirteen colonies who formed to resist what they saw as British oppression, the COCDS consists of activist groups that seek constructive solutions to the problems of poverty and unemployment, racism, sexism, health, education, and housing.  As of now (9/17/98) the site is still under construction, but contains positions papers and links to other antisystemic organizations.


Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions

Compiled by Ohio University Professor Emeritus of History James Chastain, this online encyclopedia contains a large number of articles written by scholars from around the world on topics related to the "Springtime of the Peoples," the popular revolutions that spread across Europe in 1848. Users can browse the encyclopedia by alphabetical entry or by contributor, although the latter is not currently available. Typical entries contain one lengthy or several smaller paragraphs and a bibliography. The site also includes an introduction by Chastain which discusses the study of 1848 and the Encyclopedia’s contents. Both scholars and students studying nineteenth-century Europe will find this site a handy reference resource. (Scout Report, November 5, 1999)

new.gif (1508 bytes)Free Speech Movement, Student Protest U.C. Berkeley, 1964-65 --University of California, Berkeley Library

The Bancroft Library at UC, Berkeley has made available an array of documents and media materials relating to the Free Speech Movement (FSM) on the UC campus in the mid-60s. The site includes an online finding aid to the protest collections of the library, online video and sound recordings, a chronology, a bibliography, and a plethora of documents relating to the movement. These last include oral histories, journals, legal proceedings, contemporaneous journalism, FSM newsletters, books, pamphlets, minutes of meetings, government documents, and more. An excellent site for researchers, journalists, historians, and students. For more information about Bancroft Library and its Oral Histories project, see the January 29, 1999 _Scout Report_. [The Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities -- May 1, 2001]

French Revolution, 1789-1799

Some scholars would define the French Revolution as the first stirrings of antisystemic sentiment, and the event that led later to the Revolution of 1848.  You can find out about the French revolution, the events that led up to it, and the motivation that led the people of France to overthrow the monarchy.


An avowedly Marxist site that contains information and essays regarding globalization, imperialism and the scientific analysis of society.

Mid-Atlantic Infoshop: Your Guide to Anarchy on the Web (Removed from the Web)

"Organized anarchy? The political tenets of Anarchism are often misconstrued. The Mid-Atlantic Infoshop dispels this confusion by providing an extensive collection of anarchist and activist resources on the Web that promote voluntary cooperation, equality, and free association among persons. Within the guide, myriad information resources are clearly arranged by topic area, such as Anarcha-feminism, Anarchist Opinion, and Practical Anarchy. Also included in the guide are an anarchist news kiosk, a comprehensive anarchist FAQ, and a search engine for anarchy on the Web." (The Scout report for the Social Sciences, 10/20/98)


Wayne Grytting's wonderful site that points out some of the linguistic contortions corporations and government use to minimize the effects of bad news.  Here's a sample: " With shortages of labor cropping up many companies are turning to a new source of employees right here in the USA: our prison system and its 1.7 million inmates. In the words of the Wall Street Journal, "economic reality and criminal justice intersect in America. " Corporations are finding that parolees and inmates in halfway houses and drug abuse programs make good employees. Why? Because says the Journal, "Street and prison life, it turns out, aren't bad ways to prepare for certain jobs." (Let it be noted for the record, the Journal reported this with a straight face without questioning the nature of jobs requiring such "preparation." ) A key reason for their success? "The parolees do so well in part because they are under tight supervision and risk returning to jail if they fail a drug test." Another vital lesson for managing our nation's workers. (WSJ 5/12)

The Noam Chomsky Archive [RealPlayer


Hosted by ZNet, the Website of _Z Magazine_, this archive features an excellent selection of writings and other materials from renowned cultural and political analyst Noam Chomsky. At the site, users will find the full text or excerpts from fourteen of Chomsky’s books, the former including major works such as _What Uncle Sam Really Wants_, _Necessary Illusions_, and _Deterring Democracy_. Another major feature of the archive is a large number of audio selections; the site offers various radio interviews and talks and the full contents of several CDs of significant Chomsky lectures. Other sections of the archive include a large number of Chomsky’s articles from _Z Magazine_ and the text of selected talks, interviews, and debates. Users will want to be sure to visit the Introduction section, which highlights recent additions to the archive, among them several audio and text selections on Kosovo and the Balkans. (Scout Report 5/21/99)

The Non-Violence Web

In addition to seeking alternatives to violene, one of the aims of Non-Violence Web is to stimulate thought and discussion regarding the creation of alternative societies. 

One World

One World describes itself as 200 global justice organizations under one roof.   Here you will find the latest in global news and stories relating to human rights, the environment, and economic exploitation.  You can even sort through the news by country.


A Web Site that attempts to coordinate news on global protest.  "Protest.Net is a community of activists who are working together to create our own media. By publishing a public record of our political activities on the web we are taking a stand against the established media. We are standing up and showing that serious activism is alive and well at the dawn of the 21st century. Everyday from Kansas to India activists are meeting, organizing, and protesting to demand a better world for all. When the corporate media takes note of our activities it is only to spit upon our struggle."   At the site you can get information on protests all over the world.


This site represents a good example of how persons can utilize the Internet to publicize concerns related to the expansion of the culture of capitalism.  Created by Robert Cherwink, the site contains a rich archive on material about social injustice, environmental concerns, and corporate abuse that is updated weekly.  You can search the site by keyword.

Social Justice E-Zine

An Online magazine devoted to stories having to do with social justice (e.g. labor issues, human rights, peasant protest, etc).  For example, you can find articles on harrassment and layoffs of workers in the U.S. who complained about nuclear safety, thoughts on the massacre in Chiapas, and protests over austerity measures in Brazil.

Two Political Poster Collections:
Transnational Poster Art

Revolutionary Art of Peru

These two sites highlight revolutionary art from the former East Germany and from imprisoned fighters and supporters of the PCP (Communist Party of Peru, also known as "Shining Path"). The first site, hosted by the Stanford University Library, features 25 posters commissioned by the German Democratic Republic (GDR) government during the 1970s and 80s. The posters address themes such as anti-(American) imperialism and solidarity with leftist movements in Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. The second site is produced by the Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru (CSRP), a Berkeley, CA based organization. The exhibition contains 20 works created with materials smuggled into Peruvian prisons. The themes will be familiar to anyone acquainted with the Marxist-Leninist aesthetic: the strength of solidarity and of international revolutionary movements, the power of women, and resistance and the people’s war. (Scout Report, 7/30/99)

The Turning Point Project

A site largely devoted to publicizing the social and environmental damage caused by economic globalization, largely through full-page ads in the new York Times.  The ads themselves are informative articles about issues such as genetic engineering, the industrially-induced global water shortage, and species extinction.   But you can also find some excellent backgound material on these and other issues.


There are many ways of conveying dissent, including through art, theater, and satire.  Perhaps some of the most effective (and amusing--at least to some) ways of registering dissent can be found at  For example, their appearance as members of the WTO in Finland, remains a classic example of exposing the absurdity of the "growth-at-any-cost" mindset of many economists and corporate leaders.

Unabomber Manifesto

It is often a thin line between violence and social protest, between one group's "terrorist" and another's "freedom fighter." How would you, for example, classify the unabomber?  At this site you can read Ted Kaczynski's critique of industrial society and his defense of his actions. 

World Revolution

Begun by Devesh Kumar, The World Revolution defines itself as "a new, large-scale, activist social movement for progressive social change. It aims to resolve in a comprehensive manner the major social problems of our world and our era.  Major objectives & issue areas of the WR include: Peace- Social Justice - Environmental Balance - Economic Well-Being - Ethical Culture." 


Do you want to talk to Noam Chomsky?  Ask Barbara Ehreneich a question?   Or just find a wealth of progressive Web links?  Z-Net is a great place to start.  You have to register to participate in the forums and discussions, but it is free.  The site is an extension of Z Magazine, one of the best of the alternative publications.  You can also find articles, reviews, and other resources too numerous to list. 


Labor Protest (also see the Laborer)


This could be characterized as the magazine of protest for the American, middle-class worker.  It contains satire, as well as serious articles about problems with corporate downsizing, but it represents recognition that even the once-secure middle-class worker can be caught in the revolutionary nature of the culture of capitalism (see pp. 306 ff in Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism).

In Defense of Marxism Website

"The aim of these pages is to defend Marxist ideas and their validity for today's labour movement."  The site contains an extensive collection of articles and documents about the history of Marxist thought, and the applications of Marxist ideas to contemporary social, political, and economic problems. 

The Militant

"The Militant is a socialist newsweekly published in theinterests of working people. It features articles on theclass struggle from the United States to Bosnia to NewZealand and South Africa. Every week the Militant coversthe fight for Black and women's rights, union struggles,the campaign to defend socialist Cuba, the Irish freedomstruggle, the fight against the death penalty, the battle for Quebec sovereignty, and many other issues in world politics."

McIntyre, Pennsylvania: The Everyday Life Of A Coal Mining Company Town: 1910-1947

Presented by Susan Ferrandiz, assistant professor in the library department of Slippery Rock University, McIntyre, Pennsylvania: The Everyday Life of a Coal Mining Company Town "tells the story of a representative bituminous coal town in western Pennsylvania" from its founding in 1910 to its fall as a company town in 1947. Equipped with photos, documents, letters, and the memories of current and former town residents, the site is divided into a number of sections that include the coal company, miners and mining, the union, school and education, family and town life, leisure and recreation, and church and religion. A product of her master's thesis, Susan Ferrandiz hopes that "this assemblage of documents, memories, and information will convey a taste of the everyday life of the town and its residents during the first half of the 20th century." [MG]
A Publication of The Internet Scout

Project Censored

"The primary objective of Project Censored is to explore and publicize the extent of censorship in our society by locating stories about significant issues of which the public should be aware, but is not, for one reason or another. The project hopes to stimulate responsible journalists to provide more mass media coverage of those issues and to encourage the general public to demand mass media coverage of those issues or to seek information from other sources."  

National Labor Committee

If you’ve ever checked the tag on a polo shirt, wondering where it was made, and whether the workers there are treated fairly, Charles Kernaghan has touched your life. He heads the National Labor Committee, a New York-based group that campaigns against sweatshops and for workers’ rights worldwide. It has taken on some of the biggest names in the nation’s apparel and clothing industries (Chicago Tribune)

new.gif (1508 bytes)Women’s Labor History—AFSME

In honor of Women’s history month, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSME) has posted on their Website an annotated directory of Websites devoted to women’s labor history. This includes a number of sites on famous women agitators and labor advocates including Mary Kenney O’Sullivan (co-founder of the Women’s Trade Union League), Florence Kelley (who agitated for reform of the women’s sweatshops of Chicago), Jane Addams, Mother Jones, and others. Historical sites dedicated to key periods in women’s labor history are also listed as well as a section of general women’s labor history links. [ Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities -- March 20, 2001]

Workers Solidarity Movement

The Workers Solidarity Movement was founded in Dublin, Ireland in 1984 in response to growing unemployment and inequality.  They state that "Like most socialists we share a fundamental belief that capitalism is the problem. We believe that as a system it must be ended, that the wealth of society should be commonly owned and that its resources should be used to serve the needs of humanity as a whole and not those of a small greedy minority. But, just as importantly, we see this struggle against capitalism as also being a struggle for freedom. We believe that socialism and freedom must go together, that we cannot have one without the other. As Mikhail Bakunin, the Russian anarchist said, "Socialism without freedom is tyranny and brutality". The site contains their publications and links to other anarchist organizations.


Indigenous Protest (also see Indigenous Peoples)

Human Rights in Turkey

Environmental Protest (also see the Environment )

Chico Mendez Sustainable Rainforest Campaign

Chico Mendes was a rubber tapper, union leader and environmentalist whose assassination in 1988 stirred international condemnation and contributed to Brazil’s decision to host the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.  This site describes Mendes's work, and hosts material on rainforest preservation and a movement to continue Mendes's work.

Earthhope Action Network

An excellent set of resources and links devoted to environmental protest.

Global Survival Network
Context:Sustainable Culture


Feminist Protest

AGRALIN: Gender Studies in Agriculture Bibliographical Database

"A database containing bibliographic descriptions of journal articles and book chapters on the position of women in rural societies. Most concern the Netherlands, Western European countries or developing countries. Literature which is important for analyzing their position is also included, e.g. articles on feminist theory and methodology. Articles on labour and health issues and history for example, are included if they concern also the position of rural women. The articles are being selected from 240 agricultural and social science journals. A number of chapters taken from readers and books are also included in the database. At this moment, about 5 000 descriptions are entered into the database."
Just type in a keyword, an author, or a title, and get a list of resouces, many of which can be retrieved through the data base. 

Ending Violence Against Women_

This new report by the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and the Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE) reveals that around the world "at least one in three women worldwide has been beaten, coerced into sex or abused in her lifetime." Based on over 50 population-based surveys and more than 500 studies of domestic violence, the report finds that by far the greatest risk of violence comes not from strangers, but from male family members including husbands. Users can read the full text of the report, which was published as part of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health _Population Reports_ series, by chapter in HTML format. The report also includes selected highlights, figures, tables, a pull-out guide for health care providers, and a bibliography. (Scout Report, 1/21/00)

Equality Now

EQUALITY NOW is an international human rights organization dedicated to action for the civil, political, economic and social rights of girls and women. Among their concerns are rape, trafficking, domestic violence, female infanticide, genital mutilation, reproductive rights, gender discrimination, political representation, sexual harassment, and pornography.  At the site you will find specific actions that involve women's rights. 

Domestic Violence Against Women and GirlsDomestic Violence Against Women and GirlsDomestic Violence Against Women and Girls_ -- UNICEF [.pdf, 22 pages]

This Website serves as a launch pad for the UNICEF report _Domestic Violence Against Women and Girls_ released last week to coincide with the UN’s special session on the progress of women’s rights worldwide (see the June 9, 2000 _Scout Report_ for a link to the main document of this session). According to the _Domestic Violence_ report, "up to half of all women and girls in some countries have experienced physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner or family member." Even more disturbingly, "more than 60 million females are simply missing from population statistics—killed by their own families deliberately or through neglect, simply because of their gender." Nonetheless, the report does not see the problem as unsolvable. Recommendations are offered concerning education and awareness-raising efforts as well as training law enforcement and judiciary officers to be more sensitized to the issue. (Scout Report for Social Sciences, 6/13/2000)  You will need to download the .pdf file.


A Philippine-U.S. women's solidarity organization. Among their concerns is the exploitation of women and men who leave the Philippines each year to work, and end up being driven to prostitution of wage labor at less than poverty wages.  Check out some of these concerns at their "not for sale" page.

Girls Fight for a Living

Girls Fight for a Living is an online component to an exhibit from the University of Louisville Special Collections. The exhibit profiles women in the forefront of several industries including some of the first women to earn wages in journalism, the arts, and the military. Along with photographs and accompanying descriptions and texts, Girls Fight for a Living also includes numerous links throughout the exhibit, leading to additional information and resources from a multitude of sources.  (Scout Report for Business and Economics, Dec. 2, 1999)

Global Trade Expansion and Liberalisation: Gender Issues and Impacts [.pdf]

In Global Problems and the Culture of Caoitalism we discuss the affects that capitalist expansion has had on the role of women.  "Global Trade Expansion and Liberalisation: Gender Issues and Impacts is a new study prepared by Marzia Fontana, Susan Joekes, and Rachel Masika for the UK-based Department for International Development (DFID) and published by Briefings on Development and Gender, BRIDGE (reviewed in the March 23, 1999 Scout Report for Social Sciences). The authors advocate the use of gender as a variable in formulating trade policies and consider the implications of trade liberalization on the livelihood of women in poor nations. This 86-page study also reviews existing research on gender and trade and provides case studies for Ghana, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Jamaica." (Scout Report for Business and Economics, 4/8/99)

Impact of the Global Economy on Women

A special issue of the Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies addressing the impact of the global economic on women. The articles are: Introduction  by Alfred C. Aman, Jr.,  Toward a Feminist Analytics of the Global Economy by Saskia Sassen, Implications of Global Polarization for Feminist Work by Gracia Clark, Dividing the Surplus: Will Globalization Give Women a Larger or Smaller Share of the Benefits of Cooperative Production? by Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, STOP STOMPING ON THE REST OF US: Retrieving Publicness from the Privatization of the Globe , by Zillah Eisenstein, Globalization, Privatization, and a Feminist Public by Susan H. Williams, Strategic Sisterhood or Sisters in Solidarity? Questions of Communitarianism and Citizenship in Asia  by Aihwa Ong, and As the World (Or Dare I Say Globe?) Turns: Feminism and Transnationalism by Fedwa Malti-Douglas

Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement 1848-1998

A wonderful site commemorating 150 years of struggle for women's rights, beginning with the Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848.  The site includes a brief history of the movement, a detailed timeline, and lots of other curricular resources.

National Women's History Project

Lots of good information on the history of the women's right's movement, along with an extensive collection of links to other sites.

Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony_ [RealPlayer]

This new documentary film by Ken Burns and Paul Barnes tells the story of "one of the most productive working partnerships in US history," that of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. As the site describes them, "Stanton was the leading voice and philosopher of the women’s rights and suffrage movements while Anthony was the powerhouse who commandeered the legions of women who struggled to win the ballot for American women." This fine companion Website offers a number of related resources. First among these is a well-crafted, 20-part overview of Stanton and Anthony’s lives and the nineteenth-century women’s movement with streaming audio that presumably comes from the documentary. The Resources section of the site contains information on teaching the history of women’s rights; selected articles, essays, and original documents; a biographical sketch of Stanton and Anthony; a suggested reading list; and annotated links. Other offerings include a discussion forum, essays on the current state of women’s rights, a kids section, and an interview with the filmmakers. Simply put, PBS has done it again. (Scout Report, November 5, 1999)

Russian Feminism Resources

A guide to online resources about Russian women, Russian feminism, women’s studies and the women’s movement in the Former Soviet Union.  You will also find links to other sites on global feminism.  For example, you can find a report on the influences of foreign financial support on social movements in Russia.  What are some of the negative consequences and dangers of foreign funding?

SAWNET: South Asian Women’s Network

"SAWNET, the South Asian Women’s Network, provides a forum for disseminating information about women’s issues in the nations of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Organized into seventeen topical sections, SAWNET includes articles and books by and for South Asian women, background material on South Asian women’s organizations, the latest news about women in the region, and a myriad of other resources relevant to women’s rights and health. SAWNET also hosts an electronic mailing list to discuss issues covered by the Website. Please note that the moderated list is restricted to women only. Detailed subscription information and mailing list policies are available at the site." (Scout Report for Social Sciences, 4/20/99)

Toolkit to End Violence Against Women [.pdf]

The Toolkit to End Violence Against Women was launched last month by the National Advisory Council on Violence Against Women, which is chaired by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Each of the Toolkit's sixteen chapters (.pdf) is geared toward a specific audience (e.g., Native Women, the US Military, the entertainment industry, health and mental care systems, etc.) and stresses ways in which these audience can increase prevention efforts and better services for victims. Clicking on a chapter title brings up a bullet-pointed list of things that particular audience can do to make a difference and links to the .pdf version of the chapter and an "action card" (a .pdf version of the bullet points with explication). (Scout Report 12/14/01)

ViVa: A Bibliography of Women's History in Historical and Women's Studies Journals - Update

ViVa (originally reviewed in the October 6, 1998 Scout Report for Social Sciences), a current bibliography of articles about women's and gender history, has announced the release of the complete bibliography online. Compiled at the International Institute of Social History, ViVa contains over 5,200 articles from 114 European, American, and Indian journals published between 1975 and 2000. To facilitate browsing, bibliographic citations are divided by the year of publication and then by the historical era of article content. The bibliography is searchable by keyword or via an advanced search with six variables. A list of journals indexed and a link to a related collection of women's history sites round out the site.

Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1830-1930

"This site was created to introduce secondary and higher education students to some of the primary documents available for the study of women’s involvement in social movements in the US between 1830 and 1930. The material at the site has its origins in editorial projects of undergraduate and graduate students at the State University of New York at Binghamton, collected and revised by Professors Kathryn Kish Sklar and Thomas Dublin. These are presented as a collection of learning modules addressing specific topics, such as African-American Women and the Chicago World’s Fair, 1893; Women’s Peace Mission to European Capitals, 1915; and Pacifism vs. Patriotism in Women’s Organizations in the 1920s, among others. Each module contains an introductory essay and, in most cases, between fifteen and twenty primary documents. The modules have potential in classrooms as either discrete learning units or perhaps as examples to students on how to incorporate primary documents in their essays. Additional resources include a modest collection of annotated links and an internal search engine." (The Scout Report, 11/13/98)

Women in Politics: Beyond Numbers—International IDEA

"Developed by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), Women in Politics: Beyond Numbers is an initiative devoted to researching, evaluating, and promoting the role and impact of women in the advancement of sustainable democracy and electoral processes worldwide. This Website functions as an international resource providing information about IDEA’s research projects and publications related to women’s political involvement. The site features an extensive report, "Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers," that examines such issues as obstacles to women’s political participation and the impact of women in international politics, as well as compares the involvement of women within various electoral systems. The site also includes links to relevant resources and maintains several interactive forums for discussing IDEA’s projects to enhance women’s political participation." (The Scout Report for Social Sciences, 11/3/98)

WomenWatch--The UN Internet Gateway on the Advancement and Empowerment of Women

At this United Nations site you can find out about the various UN programs on the empowerment of women, and get access to information and statistics about the status and role of women in countries all over the world.   

WSSLinks: Women and Gender Studies Web Sites--ACRL WSS

The purpose of WSSLinks is to provide access to a wide range of resources in support of Women's Studies.


Minority Protest

Affirmative Action and Diversity Project

"From the Univeristy of California, Santa Barbara this site offers various voices on the affirmative action debate and on multicultural issues. It's a site mainly for scholars and students offering law review articles, analyses, policy documents and other writings. Since it is California-based group, there's a lot of information on Proposition 209. Its major sections include Multiculturalism and Diversity; Measuring Cultural Merit; Assimilation, Integration and Separatism and, an annotated Bibliography." (PBS)

new.gif (1508 bytes)African American History

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs maintains this page of Web links to other sites.  Excellent resource.

AFRO-American Almanac

"Created by Dr. Jack Powell and Donald E. Jones II, this site explores African-American history from the beginning of the slave trade, through the Civil Rights movement, to the present. The easy-to-navigate and fast-loading Almanac offers a number of resources for any user interested in an introduction to some of the cultural, political, and social facets of African-American history and identity. These include traditional folk tales, commentary and speeches, the text of 26 related books (including works by W.E.B. Du Bois, Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Henry David Thoreau), historical documents, brief biographies, and synopses of key historical events. Additional features include trivia games and a collection of related links." (Scout Report, 4/2/99)

The Avalon Project: African-Americans - Biography, Autobiography and History

The Avalon Project at Yale Law School, (last mentioned in the April 4, 1997 Scout Report) has recently added an African American biography, autobiography, and history section. The section contains complete copies of Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1963 "I Have A Dream" speech, My Bondage and Freedom by Frederick Douglass, The Narrative of Sojourner Truth, dictated by Sojourner Truth and edited by Olive Gilbert, The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Bois, and Up From Slavery: An Autobiography by Booker T. Washington. All transcripts are lucid and available in HTML format. [MG] A Publication of The Internet Scout

Black Radical Congress

While civil rights is one of the issues addressed by the BRC, their Freedom Agenda is much broader, and includes concerns about growing class differentiation, exploitaton of foreign workers, and environmental devastation.  At the site you will also find a collection of Bulletins addressing world events.  There is also a discussion list that you can join.

Bobby Seale's Homepage

"Announcing that his site "is about more than the sixties protest movement era" Bobby Seale (the chairman and co-founder, with Huey P. Newton, of the Black Panther Party), offers his web sites as a nexis for bringing the sixties movement full circle by connecting civil-human rights issues to "ecological-economic enviro-empowerment" awareness and action. You will find here Seale's biography, background on the sixties and some four dozen photos of Party members and key events during the sixties/early seventies." (PBS)

Brookings Research on Race and Minority Politics

This new special section from the Brookings Institution explores the issue of race and minority politics in America. With articles from the _Brookings Review_, selected op-ed pieces, brief summaries of Brookings books, and links to related resources, the site addresses a wide swath of related topics. These include opportunity and affirmative action, the future of racial and ethnic politics, racial and ethnic preference in school admissions, test scores, and race and urbanization. (Scout Report. 5/7/1999) [.pdf]

Billing itself as the "definitive source for civil rights on the net," this Website "aims to serve as a central repository and trusted intermediary for information on a variety of civil and human rights issues." The site provides information on recent policy issues and legislation, a civil rights library, which includes materials on the 2000 Census, and a section devoted to supplying support and materials for educating students and adults about civil rights. An event calendar and newsletter can also be accessed from the site as well as a copy of a recent report by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights entitled "Justice on Trial: Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System." The report can be browsed in HTML or downloaded in .pdf format. Annotated links to hundreds of organizations involved in Civil Rights issues are listed in the site’s main directory; click on "our coalition." is maintained by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and the Leadership Conference Education Fund. (Scout Report for Social Science, 7/11/00)

From Slavery to Freedom: The African-American Pamphlet Collection, 1824-1909, 1824-1909

This collection of pamphlets written by African-American authors in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries boasts "complete page images of 397 titles . . . as well as searchable electronic texts and bibliographic records." Part of the Library of Congress’s American Memory project, the pamphlets constitute a wonderful collection of online primary resources in African-American history. Users can examine works here by pivotal black writers, such as Frederick Douglass, Kelly Miller, Charles Sumner, Mary Church Terrell, and Booker T. Washington. The materials deal with slavery, emancipation, African colonization, and related topics; and range from "personal accounts and public orations to organizational reports and legislative speeches." The collection is searchable by keywords and browseable by subject, author, and title. The pamphlets serve as a useful complement to the earlier American Memory Collection "African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P. Murray Collection, 1818-1907" (Scout Report for Social Sciences, 2/22/2000)

Gateway to African-American History

This gateway created by the State Department’s International Information Programs features well-annotated links to Internet sites devoted to African-American literature and historical studies or involved with African-American issues. The site links to bibliographies, archival and research sites, presidential speeches, and full-text versions of government reports and articles on such topics as The Amistad Revolt, the Civil Rights Movement, and President Clinton’s National Conversation on Race. A link is also provided to The Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History whose theme for this millennial Black History Month is "Heritage and Horizons: The African-American Legacy and the Challenges of the 21st Century." (Scout Report for Social Sciences, 2/8/2000)

The History of Jim Crow

This new educator's site takes users on a journey through American history by highlighting the era of Jim Crowism, lynching, and the disfranchisement of African Americans from the 1870s through the 1950s. Designed and created by educators from all across the country, this site is equipped with historical essays, lesson plans, and other resources designed to assist history and literature teachers with the development of an educational curriculum concerning Jim Crowism. Beyond the above, the site also contains an image gallery consisting of historical photographs from archives across America that offer visual perspectives of the Jim Crow years; an American literature book list for middle school, high school, and college-level students; and an interactive encyclopedia that offers users access to terms, people, and events relating to the history of Jim Crow. Additionally, the site has a geography section featuring maps that give "a multi-layered look at the impact of Jim Crow on the social and political landscape of the nation," and contains first hand narratives from people who actually lived and experienced life under Jim Crow. Although designed by and for teachers, this site is valuable for anyone interested in African American history and literature. [MG] A Publication of The Internet Scout A Publication of The Internet Scout A Publication of The Internet Scout

Jump, Jim Crow, or Did Emancipation Make Any Difference?

Created by Lynn Jones, a librarian at UC Berkeley, this Web site is an American history teaching resource that provides basic information concerning the historical context of Jim Crow. Contained in the site is a glossary of terms that provides the definition, along with background information on the Emancipation Proclamation, the Freedmen's Bureau, Black Codes, the Ku Klux Klan, and lynchings. Equally important, this site also provides links to other history sites that feature slave narratives, as well as images of and songs about Jim Crow. Easily navigable, this site is valuable for teachers, students, and enthusiasts of African American studies and American history. [MG] (6/14/02) A Publication of The Internet Scout

Letter from the Birmingham Jail

One of the sites that maintains Martin Luther King's letter in response to Alabama clergy which questioned the tactics of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in the economic boycott in Birmingham.  The classic statement on the use of non-violent protest.

Malcolm-X Interview by Barry Gray [RealAudio]

A remarkable 45 minute interview with Malcolm X, at that time a Minister in the Nation of Islam.  He was later assassinated after he broke with the leadership of the Nation of Islam.  But the interview is an eloquent summary of the goals of the Nation.

Malcolm X: A Research Site

"Designed to be a resource for scholarship in Black Studies," this Website offers a chronology of Malcolm X’s life and a comprehensive listing of his speeches, writings, and interviews, from his letter of application to Islam in 1947 to his "last message" in 1965. Twelve of these items are currently offered in text format, and over two dozen 30-60-second sound clips of Malcolm X’s speeches and interviews are also featured. The site’s Webliography links to resources and Webpages focussing on Malcolm X and his work. The on-site study guide gives an overview of the history of Malcolm X and his years with the nation of Islam, including substantial references to his writings. Note: Given the study guide’s advocacy of Malcolm X’s earlier confrontational perspective, some may find the rhetoric overly political. The site is under the direction of Gerald McWorte at the University of Toledo’s Africana Studies. (The Scout Report for the Social Sciences), 8/10/99)

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project

"Located at Stanford University, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project is producing what will almost certainly become the definitive collection of the great civil rights leader’s writings. When completed, the fourteen-volume _The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr._ will serve as an indispensable reference tool for historians of the civil rights movement. In the meantime, teachers and students can make use of the resources offered at this site. These include a number of full-text primary documents (including the "I Have a Dream" speech and the "I’ve Been To The Mountaintop" sermon), a general biography, a chronology of King’s life, a recommended reading section, and scholarly articles produced by Project staff members (under construction). The Project plans to continually add new documents to the site as they are digitized. Free registration is required to view the papers, and registered users may choose to be informed about future site updates and related events." (Scout Report, 1/1/99)

Mosaic: A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture

"The Mosaic is the first Library-wide resource guide to the institution's African- American collections. Covering the nearly 500 years of the black experience in the Western hemisphere, the Mosaic surveys the full range size, and variety of the Library's collections, including books, periodicals, prints, photographs, music, film, and recorded sound. Moreover, the African-American Mosaic represents the start of a new kind of access to the Library's African-American collections, and, the Library trusts, the beginning of reinvigorated research and programming drawing on these, now systematically identified, collections."  The site links to information about colonization, abolition, black migration, ex-slave narratives and also presents pictures and original documents.

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Before 1863, the Underground Railroad was a system of cooperation among Black slaves, abolitionists, sympathetic Whites, and Native Americans to help slaves escape the bondage of American slavery. The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center wants to educate the public about the legacy of the Underground Railroad and its historic struggle to abolish human enslavement. The Freedom Center is currently under construction and is scheduled to open in Cincinnati, Ohio during the summer of 2004. The Freedom Center is sponsored by the Federated Department Stores Foundation and has the mission of teaching lessons of courage and cooperation from Underground Railroad history in order to "promote collaborative learning, dialogue, and action to inspire today’s freedom movements." Exhibits will include history galleries on pre-slavery African Kingdoms and post-slavery freedom movements in North America, Poland, South Africa, India, and more. The Center’s site currently contains a timeline dating from 1501 - 1865, a list of major players and contributors of the Underground Railroad Movement along with brief descriptions, and a list of related resources on each individual. The site also contains family stories and links to other related history sites. For those interested in the history and legacy of the Underground Railroad, this is definitely a Web site to explore and bookmark. [MG] A Publication of The Internet Scout

Race and Ethnicity

The English Server at the University of Washington (see the December 12, 1996 _Scout Report_) consists of reference material, essays, fiction and non-fiction books, and other resources "addressing issues of race and ethnicity in the United States." The Server’s selections are discriminating and up-to-date with essays by luminaries in the field such as bell hooks, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Cornel West; autobiographical narratives from Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. DuBois; a useful list of links to high-quality Websites; and famous "quotables" such as Martin Luther King’s "I have a Dream" speech and Nelson Mandela’s speech upon his release from prison. A keyword search engine is also available. [Scout Report for Social Sciences & Humanities -- February 6, 2001]

RaceSci: History of Race in Science

"RaceSci functions as a centralized collection of information resources relevant to the study of the history of race in science. The site provides comprehensive bibliographies on current scholarship; university syllabi on race and science in regard to medicine, eugenics, rhetoric, and social studies; recent journal articles and news items on affiliated topics; briefly annotated links to associated sites; and a list of requests for comment, calls for papers, and announcements for lectures and conferences. Maintained at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, RaceSci is edited by Evelynn Hammonds, associate professor of history of science, Michelle Murphy, postdoctoral fellow in women’s studies, and Stephanie Higgs, a graduate student in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society." (Scout Report for Social Science, 5/4/99)

State Department: Perspectives on Race Relations in the United States

This second site from the State Department’s International Information Programs offers a directory of sites dealing with race relations in America. Subject areas include Law and Race, Affirmative Action, Race and Ethnic Diversity, and Hate Crimes. Also posted here are an online bibliography; a listing of relevant links; and the Final Report of President Clinton’s Initiative on Race, including background information and transcripts from dialogue sessions and presidential speeches on the Initiative. (Scout Report for Social Sciences, 2/8/2000)

The Web Site for a PBS special on the history of Black protest in America.   Lots of excellent resources.  Check out, for eample, the interview with Angela Davis, one of the major leaders in the struggle for equal rights.

The Underground Railroad—National Geographic [JavaScript, Shockwave Flash]

"The Underground Railroad, a current Web feature at National Geographic Online (see the June 28, 1996 Scout Report), explores the pre-Civil War, covert system that helped escaped slaves to reach freedom safely. The site includes The Journey, an interactive first-person account of a runaway slave; Routes to Freedom, a Shockwave map of escape routes; Time Line, which chronicles slavery in the New World from 1501 until the US abolition of slavery in 1865; and Faces of Freedom, a section containing twelve very brief biographies of famous abolitionists and civil rights leaders. In addition, the site includes For Kids, a section for younger students, and Classroom Ideas, which suggests educational activities for K-12 students. A discussion forum and a list of resources and links provide visitors with more opportunities to learn." (Scout Report for Social Sciences, 2/23/99)

Universal Black Pages

Graduate students at the Georgia Institute of Technology have put together this online collection of works by black scholars and historians including Frederick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Cornel West. This page of links is part of the larger UBP index on African American history and culture which links to magazines, newspapers, sports articles, etc.

Political Protest

Anarchy for Anybody

Countering the New Terrorism_ -- RAND [.pdf]

"Countering the New Terrorism, a new 153-page book published by RAND, has recently been made available online. The book contains four chapters that address the changes, trends, and implications of the new terrorism. The introductory chapter, written by Ian O. Lesser, overviews the changes in terrorism in a changing world. The second chapter, "Terrorism Trends and Prospects," by Bruce Hoffman, looks at trends in international terrorism. Chapter three, "Networks, Netwar, and Information-Age Terrorism," by John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt, and Michele Zanini, examines the special problem of terrorism in the information age. The final chapter, "Countering the New Terrorism: Implications for Strategy," also by Lesser, suggests how to meet terrorist challenges to US interests. The book also includes three figures, one table, an index, and a foreword by Brian Michael Jenkins. Each part of the online book is provided as an individual .pdf file."  You can find additional resources on terrorism from RAND here.   (Scout Report for Social Sciences, 5/4/99)

Eat the State

Characterizing itself as "a forum for anti-authoritarian political opinion, research and humor," Eat the State contains articles largely concerning the American Northwest.  The magazine raises issues relating to race, the homeless, gender discrimination, etc.  Check out their comments on political prisoners after the release of Geronimo ji jaya Pratt after 25 years in jail.

Electronic Policy Network
Frontline: Behind the Mask: The IRA and Sinn Fein--PBS

Radical Urban Theory

Characterizing itself as an Online magazine for "writings on the modern urban condition, Radical urban Theory contains articles on urban problems, centering largely on Los Angeles.  One of the more interesting articles concerns chupacabra, the goat-sucking vampire.  Read the article and judge whether or not the story represents a form of resistance to the culture of capitalism similar to that found in the case of spirit possession in Malaysia described in Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism (pp 66ff).

Siege and Commune of Paris, 1870-71

Considered by some the first uprising of the proletariat against capitalism, the Commune of Paris represented an uprising of the people of Paris against the French government.  It was one of a series of communes, and while the others were quickly put down, the Paris Commune lasted from March 18, 1870 to May 28, 1871.  This site contains images and documents of the revolt.

Sinn Fein Homepage

The Irish Republican Party of Northern Ireland's political platform centers on "the establishment of a new Ireland based on sustainable social and economic development; genuine democracy, participation, equality and justice at all levels of the economy and society; and a lasting and meaningful peace with unity of purpose and action."  The Website contains the background and history of the party and the struggle against the British occupation of Ireland.   




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