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Is Activism Dead?Opinion: The Problem With Jazz CriticismLike Fine Wine
The End of Arts Funding?
The NEA stayed alive during the culture wars, but its survival strategy may have done more harm than good. By Douglas McLennan
Review: The Healing Power of Conversation
Tricia Rose asks black women about intimacy—and then listens. By Adrian Nicole LeBlanc
Word Up
A new British magazine for the Nick Hornby set. But is it hip enough? By Carla Power
Deconstructing ‘Reloaded’
Six things you need to know about ‘The Matrix’ (and a message to Adam Gopnik). By Devin Gordon
Interview: Can Danny Goldberg Save The Left?
The record exec and liberal activist examines how the Democrats alienated one of the young people in his first book. By Barbara Spindel
Proust Via Palestine
The circuitous, ambivalent road home for poet Mourid Barghouti. By Will Blythe
The Debate Continues
John Edgar Wideman responds to Ann Marlowe’s rebuttal to his op-ed on the French. By John Edgar Wideman
Why We Should Care About Iranian Films
In this new—and lasting—wave of Persian cinema, the movies are not just about them but also about us. By Godfrey Cheshire
Writer to Writer
An open letter to John Edgar Wideman on America’s view of the French. By Ann Marlowe
Renaissance of a Pianist
Why you should be listening to Ahmad Jamal. By Stanley Crouch
Teddy Ballgame & Friends
David Halberstam returns to sports and looks at Ted’s (and Bobby’s and Johnny’s and Dom’s) excellent adventures. By Mark Starr
In Praise of the American New Wave
Two new documentaries detail that brief anomalous period in Hollywood when the filmmakers themselves ruled the roost. Yes, let's get nostalgic. By David Ansen
Opinion: Why We Scapegoat the French
A leading African-American novelist and intellectual considers the ongoing American excoriation of an ally. By John Edgar Wideman
Review: Diaries From the Muddled East
A new book looks at Baghdad during the first 1991 gulf war and beyond. By Will Blythe
In Defense of High Art
It used to be that you had to apologize for watching TV instead of the latest Bergman. Now it's the opposite. By Peter Plagens
Why the Triple Crown Still Matters
It's been 30 years since Secretariat, 25 since Affirmed. So what keeps bringing us back to the ponies? By Eric Banks
An American in Berlin
What's an expat to do when Europeans find your countrymen not only stupid but detestable? And where to find fried chicken and collard greens? By Darius James
New Works By Ellsworth Kelly
Cuba on the Verge: New Photos at ICP
The Anti-Ikea: Contemporary furniture design
New paintings by Francesco Clemente
See a slideshow from 'Splat Boom Pow!' at Houston's Museum of Contemporary Art
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