[Commons-Law] Re: [TML-List] Reading list/interesting links]

Sunil Abraham mailto:sunil@mahiti.org
25 Jan 2003 03:08:22 +0530

Dear Lawrence,

> This raises very scary questions about the consequences  of using tactical media to parody corporate sites - now they won't go to 
> your ISP to get your site removed, but to the backbone provider!! This takes the situation to a whole new level.What is to be 
> done? Is satire illegal under the DMCA now?

What is the status on satire under DMCA? This is from the Tactical Media List. Post response to both lists please.



-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Steve Crozier <crozier@protova.com>
To: tml-list@mail.sarai.net
Subject: Re: [TML-List] Reading list/interesting links
Date: 24 Jan 2003 11:58:29 +0000

hi all

24/01/2003 15:50:52, Sunil Abraham <sunil@mahiti.org> wrote:

>The Yes Men are a genderless, loose-knit association of some three
>hundred impostors worldwide. Their feeling today can be summed up in one
>simple phrase: Enterprise Excitement.

the Yesmen are masters of their art for sure!The thing i really like about them is they combine the big issues like critiques of 
WTO/neoliberalism, but they also challenge perceptions of how we are in our cities and public spaces, and the role of creativity 
and play in everyday life:


>Reamweaver has everything you need to instantly "funhouse-mirror"
>anyone's website, copying the real-time "look and feel" but letting you
>change any words, images, etc. that you choose. 

There are some pertinent issues surrounding this piece of software at the moment , as i'm sure many on this list are aware of:

"On December 3, activists used a server housed by Thing.net to post a parody Dow press release on the eighteenth anniversary 
of the disaster in which 20,000 people died as a result of an accident at a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India."

"Dow was not amused, and sent a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) complaint to Verio, which immediately cut Thing.net 
off the internet for fifteen hours. A few days later, Verio announced that Thing.net had 60 days to move to another provider before 
being shut down permanently, unilaterally terminating Thing.net's 7-year-old contract."

This raises very scary questions about the consequences  of using tactical media to parody corporate sites - now they won't go to 
your ISP to get your site removed, but to the backbone provider!! This takes the situation to a whole new level.What is to be 
done? Is satire illegal under the DMCA now?


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Sunil Abraham, CEO
MAHITI Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
'Reducing the cost and complexity of ICTs'
314/1, 7th Cross, Domlur
Bangalore - 560 071 Karnataka, INDIA
Ph/Fax: +91 80 4150580. Mobile: 98441 01150
sunil@mahiti.org http://www.mahiti.org/