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The Media Report is essential listening for those who work in the media industry and for anyone interested in the future of the media. [ more ]

This Week: The folks that hoax
Thursday 30 May 2002
Media hoaxes, or why you can't always trust the key-note speaker. If
groups as prudent as trained accountants, international lawyers and the odd Canadian parliamentarian, can be hoaxed by media subversives, what hope is there for the rest of us? A trick of the tale this week on The Media Report, Thursday at 8.30am. [ more ]

Recent Transcripts and Audio
Updates Thursdays at 10am AEST. Help listening in RealAudio
You are watching Big Brother - audio Listen
Thursday 23 May 2002
The art of the interview - audio Listen
Thursday 16 May 2002
Media Standards - should journalists be expelled for bad work? - audio Listen
Thursday 9 May 2002
The Russian media: under control to out of control - audio Listen
Thursday 2 May 2002

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