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 Is Oxfam right to insist that increased access to Northern markets is a solution to the Third World's problems?


Kevin Watkins: If trade is to work for the poor, we need to challenge the power relations and vested interests that make markets work for the rich.  more

Colin hines: The idea of prioritising increased self-reliance, rather than increased market reliance, appears utterly absent from Oxfam's thinking. As are any radical alternatives to globalisation.  more

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 Just Say Yes

Paul Kingsnorth seeks out the Yes Men – the ultimate ‘cyber- hoaxers’, whose spoof WTO website has led to them giving lectures to committed neo-liberals subverting and ridiculing their beliefs by taking free trade logic to its most absurd extreme.  more


 Sweet Smell of Excess

We are obsessed with our odour. We slavishly scrub off all that makes us distinct as members of a species, and then spray ourselves liberally with a homogenous fug of the latest mass-marketed musk. Jeremy Smith wonders why.  more


 From Coca to Congress

You may not have heard of him yet, but peasant farmer Evo Morales is one of Bolivia’s most influential figures. With popular support established for his party MAS, he is a force to be reckoned with in congress and may well be his country’s next president. The US has other ideas, however. Evo Morales talks to Benjamin Backwell.  more

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