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WTO to Reintegrate as organisation based on human rights?
by Niall - not important Mon, May 27 2002, 3:48pm
address: Dublin phone: n/a

The WTO has announced that it is to disband and replace itself with an organisation the charter of which will be based on the universal declaration of human rights.

Not much info, but what there is appears on (the modern lefty's favourite website)

My reading is that in response to public outcry and protests from poorer nations the WTO is to start to consider human rights issues in it's determinations and rules from now on, with a new structure to be in place by Sept 30th.

Did anyone notice this?

Does anyone care?

What does anyone think this means?

Note: In the spirit of the free press I choose to exercise my freedom to ignore any replies to this.


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A contradiction
by Polonious Mon, May 27 2002, 4:10pm

Human rights are incompatible with free market economics.

Pure Spin
by Ali la Pointe Mon, May 27 2002, 5:49pm

A face lift for the WTO.
Decapitation is what it needs.

Oh Yeah,
by Really Mon, May 27 2002, 7:14pm

As far as I know that address is a piss take web site. Take it with as much salt as you can mustard!

If it's true.. then just whitewash
by Terry Tue, May 28 2002, 4:39pm

If this is true, then it is likely the name-change and
apparent change of operating principles is likely to be just
a whitewash. The chances of anything of substance changing, I
reckon is close to nil, although they would likely spend much
effort announcing their new way of doing things.

You could probably safely put it in the same category as the
way the 'Windscale' nuclear processing facility became

The calculation by the WTO would be that the changes are
designed to take the heat out of the globalisation protests
and thus allow them to continue more or less, business as usual,
while allowing the propanganda machine to say how responsive that
they are to critism and so give the appearence of being quasi-democratic
although nothing could be further from the truth.

It's not reforms we need, but wholescale structural changes of society.

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