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Keywords: wto

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 Discussion: The End of the WTO - official - SysOut May 23, 2002 09:53 pm
read first message for announcement (click TOP)

n The End of the WTO - official #10 - 300mmWafers May 23, 2002 08:39 pm
Yeah - Abolish the WTO, Tariffs for Everyone!!

n The End of the WTO - official #7 - Raskolnikov123 May 23, 2002 08:35 pm
Did they just register a site and copy most of the content from the site? It actually had me wondering if I had completely missed a major change in international economic diplomacy, for about 10 seconds.

n The End of the WTO - official #6 - SysOut May 23, 2002 08:28 pm
The real thing, of course

Just something a pen friend sent me...

n The End of the WTO - official #2 - SysOut May 23, 2002 08:02 pm
reintegrate as a new trade body whose charter will be to ensure that trade benefits the poor.

As of September, agreements reached under the WTO will be suspended pending ratification by the new organization, tentatively referred to as the Trade Regulation Organization. Many existing agreements are likely to be re-ratified, but each will be subject to individual review for compliance with the TRO's charter, which is based upon the Universal Declaration of Human Rights...

n The End of the WTO - official #1 - SysOut May 23, 2002 08:01 pm
From: World Trade Organisation Public Relations <> Subject: WTO to shut down, refound under new charter

[NOTE: On May 21, information regarding the WTO's restructuring was released prematurely at a special luncheon of CPA Australia, Sydney ( The early release of this information, which met with overwhelming approval, has accelerated this announcement, originally scheduled for next Friday.]



After a protracted and detailed review of current trade policy and its effects on developing countries, the World Trade Organization has decided to effect a cessation of all operations, to be accomplished over a period of four months, culminating in September. The WTO will

n How Should the US Respond to a Nuclear Terrorist Attack on One of Its Cities if #56 - Satori May 23, 2002 06:15 pm
This need not even be a question if:

1. America gets its hands out of everyone else's business. (Which, by the way, they only care about because campaign backers stand to profit.)


n How Should the US Respond to a Nuclear Terrorist Attack on One of Its Cities if #51 - michaelmandahl May 23, 2002 05:57 pm
"And still the WTO will force discredited monetarist policies on them because that's what the financiers do well out of."

The WTO helps encourage good government. One kind of trade barrier that the WTO’s rules try to tackle is the quota, for example restricting imports or exports to no more than a specific amount each year.

Because quotas limit supply, they artificially raise prices, creating abnormally large profits (economists talk about “quota rent”)...

n How Should the US Respond to a Nuclear Terrorist Attack on One of Its Cities if #45 - spindoctor79 May 23, 2002 05:38 pm
You don't think Saddam is greedy?

I imagine he is.

Are you saying oil companies are nice generous people?..

n How Should the US Respond to a Nuclear Terrorist Attack on One of Its Cities if #36 - spindoctor79 May 23, 2002 05:09 pm
Oil, yes, but basically the dominating organisations like the WTO so that poor nations are forced to dedicated their economies to exports; using corporate power to insist on 'free trade' zones which take the piss on pay and employee rights (see No Logo); and using its corporate might, and where necessary military or subversive abilities to make sure it gets the deal that best suits the US's short term goals, and bugger everyone else.

n Kosovo and the Balkans #6480 - Saramago May 23, 2002 03:27 pm
This is from Croatian Monitor:

?in?ic´ udara na Tvornicu duhana Rovinj da bi Srbiju predao BAT-u Duhanski rat za balkansko trz<caron>is<caron>te ulazi u svoju konac<caron>nicu: nije u igri samo prostor od Triglava do ?ev?elije, nego cjelokupna jugoistoc<caron>na Europa s potencijalnih 50 milijuna pus<caron>ac<caron>a. Nakon juc<caron>eras<caron>njeg svrs<caron>etka dvodnevnog radnog i prilic<caron>no tajnog posjeta srbijanskog premijera Washingtonu, vis<caron>e-manje sve postaje bistro: ?in?ic´eva c´e vlast, sa svim svojim inspekcijama i policijom, pa i nekim medijima, zaos<caron>triti vec´ zahuktalu kampanju protiv Tvornice duhana Rovinj i njezinih cigareta, kako bi srbijansko trz<caron>is<caron>te – kao s<caron>to je juc<caron>er obec´ao i svojim americ<caron>kim sugovornicima – prepustio multinacionalnoj kompaniji British American Tobacco. Iza BAT-ovih interesa po prirodi stvari stoje i NATO, i SAD, i EU, pa i WTO, iza TDR-a ne stoji ne samo ni jedna me?unarodna ili regionalna organizacija, nego ni hrvatska Vlada, pa ni Istarska z<caron>upanija...

n What is the morally acceptable way to deal with repressive regimes? #277 - themaras May 23, 2002 10:12 am

% of voters supporting use of normal procedures when Congress considers trade agreements: 47%

% of voters supporting fast track for considering trade agreements: 33%

Results of same question when voters are reminded that fast track produced NAFTA and the last WTO agreement: 54% - 27% against fast track

n What is the morally acceptable way to deal with repressive regimes? #262 - Raskolnikov123 May 22, 2002 03:08 pm
What is inconsistent in saying that trade should be constrained by popular decision-making?

1) Giving Cubans the ability to make popular decisions is the express purpose of the Cuban trade embargo. As such, your appeal is a slogan, not an argument...

n Tackling world poverty; the US must take the lead #65 - AMouseNamedSerge May 22, 2002 09:47 am

You asked for some elaboration:

  • participatory budgeting systems

    Developing economies (and for that matter, many economies in the developed world) suffer from waste, mis-management and corruption. Budgets set aside for local improvements to the quality of life are often spent on things that don’t deliver those improvements, and the result is disillusionment with the political system, leading to disenfrachisement and a vicious circle of democratic failure. Other posters have pointed out that improved economic performance is often the midwife of democracy...

  • n The solution to the "Problem" of immigration #15 - threekings May 21, 2002 10:31 am
    "Globalisation is, and will continue to, increase global equality?"

    This is absurd. Globalisation will simply de-stabilse the west whilst doing little to address the impoverisment of the third world. The wage rate for a manufacturing job in the UK is approx £8 per hour, apparently in Malaysia it is £4 per hour and in China about 30p per hour...

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