11/27/2001 10:33 AM

WTO STRIKES BACK? A couple of weeks ago, Jonathan Prince, who owns the Gatt.org domain, received a call from Verio, Gatt.org's upstream provider because the World Trade Organization had asked them to shut down the domain for copyright violations. Verio told Prince that it would do just that if nothing was changed by November 13—the last day of the Doha Ministerial, as it would happen. An official email followed.

THE YES MEN STRIKE BACK In response to the attack, the Yes Men have released a piece of open-source "parodyware" that will "forever make this kind of censorship obsolete," according to Peabody. "Using this software, it takes five minutes to set up a convincing, personalized, evolving parody of the WTO.org website, or any other website of your choice," said Peabody, who helped to develop the program. "All you need is a place to put it—say, WTOO.org, WorldTradeOrg.com, whatever."

11/26/2001 7:37 PM

HOT ON THE TRAIL In Durham, NC, the Secret Service are investigating a poster (critical of Bush's Texas executions) on a teenager's wall. Glad to see that everyone is clear about what are the priorities. [via RandomWalks]

HOT ON THE TRAIL 2 The day after 23 presumed homosexuals were sentenced to hard labor in the Emergency State Security Court in Cairo, the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) reports on the arrest of four more presumed homosexuals under the same charges.

LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL Thank god for the American liberators in Afghanistan—women can now wear short skirts and opium growers can get back to their crops. Rock on!

ON THE AIR On Freespeech Internet TV, Noam Chomsky [RealAudio required] analyzes the use of terrorism as a tool of state policy, and a regular tool in the arsenal of the United States.

RULING CLASS "They rule" rules! [Flash required]

SHOW ME THE MONEY Opensecrets.org is a "guide to the money in American elections" where they track the payback.

ON THE JOB IN KANDAHAR It's amazing that Robert Fisk has managed to find his way to Kandahar. The Independent claims that he's the only Western journalist who has been able to do so. His first dispatch from Kandahar tells of refugees fleeing American bombing and Northern Alliance assaults.

SHOCKINGLY FUCKED UP OK, no joke, the lead into this article reads "Pentagon Urges Bush Not to Join World in Landmine Treaty." According to a recent report from the New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW), "the Pentagon is seeking to roll back U.S. policy on the use of anti-personnel landmines." How whacked is that?

I'm outta here.

NOVEMBER 16-20 . . .

Sad to say, I'm going to be away on travel for several days. In the meantime, I recommend these resources for consistently intelligent and fresh perspectives:

COMMON DREAMS Main Page, Progressive Newswire Archive, Dailies and their World Desk

BLOWBACK . . . when wartime decisions come to haunt the people that made them

BOOKNOTES . . . Books, libraries, preservation, digital convergence, music, politics

KILL YOUR TV . . . and the other DC bloggers listed on the left here.

NOVEMBER 15, 2001






NOVEMBER 14, 2001

BLACKLISTS? Patrick Healy reports that in a report issued Tuesday, the American Council of Trustees and Alumni names names and criticizes professors for making statements ''short on patriotism and long on self-flagellation.''

PROFILES IN COWARDICE Victor Navasky on Bill Maher, Ann Coulter, and Dan Rather.

FUCKED UP Designed primarily to benefit corporations, the "stimulus" bill passed by the House is retroactive, multi-billion-dollar tax giveaway to America's biggest corporations including:

$1.4 billion for IBM
$833 million for General Motors
$671 million for General Electric
$572 million for Chevron Texaco
$254 million for Enron

The Campaign for America's Future, Citizens for Tax Justice, and Americans for Democratic Action all seem to think that it is a bad idea. For the record, geoff85858 agrees.

Not to worry, these giveaways are a mere drop in the budget bucket compared to America's military budget . . . $849,314,880 every day, in case you were wondering.

ANTHRAX PAST It reads like a news story from yesterday, but it's a Salon piece from 1998 that recounts the arrest of Larry Wayne Harris in Las Vegas with a car full of suspected biological weapons. He claims to have made anthrax from a pit where infected cows had been buried 40 years ago. According to the Salon piece, "Harris is associated with the extremist Aryan Nation as well as the Christian Identity movement, which refers to non-whites as 'mud people' and advocates a homeland for whites in the Northwest United States. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups around the nation, says that certain militia and white supremacist organizations are becoming more interested in the use of biological weapons." Where have we heard this story before?

NOVEMBER 13, 2001

BOMBS AWAY In keeping with its sophisticated "with us or against us" foreign policy, the US bombed the offices of Al-Jazeera in Kabul while the Northern Alliance celebrated their victory by executing P.O.W.s, seizing aid trucks, massacring students and wiping up the troops that the Taliban left behind. According to Fisk, the behavior of "our" foot soldiers comes as no surprise. An Afghan woman remembers their entry into Kabul in 1992: "Are these rapists any better than the hard-liners they replace?" Silly woman. At least we can't say that we weren't warned. Anyway—with the Northern Alliance setting everything straight in Afghanistan, its time for the US to move on to its next target against terrorism while Americans sit and wait to see what/who will be the next target of terrorism in the US.

NOTE TO SELF Civilian casualties not news.

NOW MORE ON WHY THEY HATE US It was ten years ago yesterday (11/12) that Indonesian troops massacred at least 270 East Timorese at the Santa Cruz cemetery in Dili, East Timor.The Indonesian troops who committed the massacre used M-16 rifles provided by the US; their officers were trained and supported by the US.

IN/SECURE IN THE HOMELAND Packages containing white powder and the threat "This contains anthrax. You're going to die," arrived at more than 200 Midwest and East Coast abortion clinics on Thursday sent overnight from drop boxes in Virginia and Philadelphia. Signed by the Army of God—an elusive group of anti-abortion extremists who in the past have claimed responsibility for the murder of doctors who perform abortions and for the bombing of clinics—the packages mark the second mass mailling after the first on October 17, 2001.

WHERE IS NANCY WHEN YOU NEED HER The US today wants to talk to 5,000 males, aged 18 to 33, who entered the United States on non-immigrant visas after Jan. 1, 2000, from specific countries. Justice Department spokeswoman Mindy Tucker says that the interviews would be "consensual." In other words, just say no!

PEOPLE POWER Greenpeace goes to Japan. Fifty go to WTO in Qatar. Thousands go to hundreds of cities and almost 40 countries to protest against the ministerial meetings of the WTO. Tamara Straus says "If this week's WTO meeting in Qatar fails, it won't be because of street protests or media scrutiny, but because international trade has been transformed in the the post-9/11 age."

[NEW Just added a new ON ANARCHY section to the left . . . as always, contributions, links, comments, suggestions, or whatever are welcome at geoff85858@mac.com.]

NOVEMBER 10, 2001

FUCKED UP The Justice Department has decided to listen in on the conversations of lawyers with clients in federal custody, including people who have been detained but not charged with any crime. Stunned defense lawyers and civil libertarians assailed the order as an unconstitutional attack on the right to counsel and, in the words of American Civil Liberties Union official Laura W. Murphy, "a terrifying precedent."

MIA Forget Osama, where the hell is George Bush?

SILLY ME I actually thought this was a joke.

1000 WORDS Images of War

BEYOND THE FRAME The Media Education Foundation presents important alternative voices (Chomsky being one) in a new section called "Beyond the Frame." (RealPlayer required)

ISRAEL From a broadly left-zionist perspective on Israel, Israelinsider.com is one of the best internet resources—special sections include the geo-politics of the conflict with an excellent section of evolving maps from pre-1948 to post-Oslo 2000, comparative demographic charts, and (in the politics section), the political breakdown of Israeli political parties, the coalition government and the Israeli cabinet. (Flash required)

And, finally, OddTodd on being laid off.

NOVEMBER 9, 2001

BUSH WHACKED OR JUST CONFUSED 1) Bush wants to keep Osama from getting nuclear weapons, 2) there's a thriving black market in the former Soviet Union for pilfered nuclear materials, 3) yet Bush wants to scale back 'programmes in Russia aimed at securing nuclear stockpiles,' 4) instead, Bush wants to pay the Kremlin to take America's nuclear waste. Hmmmm . . . but if "everything has changed since 9/11" surely the new world order has forced the administration to reconsider its arrogant, short-sighted, and unilateralist policies. [via blowback]

FREE We're told they hate us because "we are the freest nation on Earth," but evidently we're not free enough to read the details about the Afghanistan bombing campaign in the US press.

BIOWARFARE Good News: The U.S. Army has a lot of experience with biowarfare. Bad News: The victims were 1000s of innocent Americans.

FUCKED UP: Maher expects to get the ax. [via killyourtv]

SMILE Laugh while you are filing or just getting your war on.

And finally, check out the Way of the Stick from stick figure death theatre.

[NEW I just beefed up the permanent IRONY and NEWS sections to the left . . . as always, contributions, links, comments, suggestions, or whatever are welcome at geoff85858@mac.com.]

NOVEMBER 8, 2001

WEBLOGGING AND 9/11 Part diary, part news portal, these eclectic, mostly autocratic and sometimes unashamedly opinionated Web logs have provided Internet users with both uniquely individual points of view and broader insights on the world at large. They are not new, however. If you are at all interested, here's Rebecca's history and perspective on webloggers. S ome of us are already addicted bloggers!

STEP ASIDE CNN! A decade ago we watched Baghdad burn on CNN. This time millions are glued to footage from an Arab satellite channel broadcasting from a station Hosni Mubarak called a "matchbox" in a nation few Americans could find on the map. Clearly, Al-Jazeera has cornered the conflict. Cursor.org has compiled an extensive list of articles on the network. There is an amazing automated translation of the Al-Jazeera website at a-Jeeb which also has a translation of the important Arabic paper, al-Hayat.

BLOWBACK The Federation of American Scientists (commies!) has a very interesting document on their website on arms transfers. It's a guide to U.S. arms sales policies of the past and present that impact the current conflict. It would seem that they feel there is some connection to what is going on now in Afghanistan. They, as well as the Mennonites, deal with the whole unfortunate cluster bomb thing at their site also. At least no one is claiming that they are smart or precise.

ESCAPE AND EVASION: Yesterday's Drudge rumor, today's fact. Reading Seymour Hersh's New Yorker article about the botched Delta Force raid of October 20th raises questions about what exactly happened in Somalia all those years ago . . . It just so happens that PBS Frontline hosts an outstanding multimedia site documenting the bloody 1993 special forces battle in Mogadishu that left 18 dead and 84 wounded, in a debacle that continues to haunt US planners as they map their "strategy" in Afghanistan. [via blowback]

RIGHTS: Not that we would ever need to refer to it , but the Library of Congress has the Bill of Rights on their website along with a searchable constitution. It's an interesting read.

INTERNET AND 9/11: The web has no memory, unless it is created.

FAST FOOD: Location, location, location.

And, finally, FUCKED UP . . . see Enduring Freedom Picture Cards.

NOVEMBER 7, 2001


Rumsfeld: "The war is not going well."
Rumsfeld: "The war is going well."

A Drudge report on how the US Delta-Forces are not as good as the Pentagon portrays them.

The Northern Alliance's perspective of last weekend's B-52 carpet bombing festival.

FUCKED UP: 'Am I a Terrorist or a Member of Al-Qaeda or a Taliban Fighter or Not?' [via seethru] All imagery courtesy of US bombing in Afghanistan. (Once at the site, be sure to hit the refresh button several times . . . you'll get the idea . . . )

SHOT DEAD: Digna Ochoa y Placido, a prominent human rights lawyer who has defended Zapatista rebels and sympathisers in the past was found shot dead in the office of two fellow human rights attorneys on Friday.

APPLE—ROTTEN TO THE CORE?:An African-American man, who was employed by APPLE COMPUTER as a Product Design Engineer, has slapped one of the nation's largest computer manufactures with a $40 million racial discrimination lawsuit.

MORE FUCKED UP: In April 1997, an 18-year-old football player in Minersville, Schuylkill County, and a 17-year-old male friend were stopped by police after leaving a party. The arresting officer, F. Scott Willinsky, allegedly asked if they were "queer" and threatened to tell their families they were gay. Marcus Wayman, the football player, told his friend he was going to kill himself. A few hours later, he did just that. Now, a civil suit filed by Wayman's mother over her son's death is set for trial in federal court in Allentown. The suit charges that the town and three of its police officers violated Wayman's right to privacy.

And, finally, something a bit more relaxing . . .

NOVEMBER 6, 2001

SLA: Saying she could not receive a fair trial because of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Sara Jane Olson, accused Symbionese Liberation Army member, pleaded guilty Wednesday to attempting to blow up two LAPD cars in 1975 in an effort to murder police officers.

AIDS: With controversial U.S. policy decisions slipping by without scrutiny, it is all the more important for organizations and individuals (requires realplayer) committed to the struggle for global access to affordable, life-sustaining AIDS treatment to take meaningful action. (See also 20 Years—AIDS & Photography in the side bar on the left.)

FUCKED UP: Armed government agents grabbed Nancy Oden, Green Party USA coordinating committee member, Thursday (11/1) at Bangor International Airport in Bangor Maine, as she attempted to board an American Airlines flight to Chicago. (Thanks to Michael who drew my attention to this one!)

WAKING LIFE: How do you make a film about something that most likely happens entirely in the mind? At the site there is an brilliant trailer for a movie that is likely to set the tone for a new generation of animation films. Amazing!

GLOBALISATION: Don't say there are no alternatives! On November 2, Greenpeace released its alternative to trade liberalisation, proposed by the US and European Union, for the 4th ministerial conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

AND FINALLY—go here!

NOVEMBER 3, 2001

FREE SPEECH: Free speech faces the strongest challenges during times of crisis. Whether or not any of us agree about each particular decision made to prevent public access to sensitive information, it is the Electronic Frontier Foundation 's responsibility to chart any such efforts so that we as a society are at least aware of what is no longer available to us.

OUT OF THE (MAHOGANY) CLOSET: I love it when they name names!

BOOKMARK: Bookmark it, read it, learn it!

KISSING ASS: Yesterday I quoted Isaacson from CNN. It seems that this was not the first suck-up performed by the CNN chief executive.

OUTRAGEOUS: Mr Bush's personal papers detailing the decision-making process in the current war on terrorism could remain secret in perpetuity.

QUESTION: Who is Divya Srinivasan? (You have to scroll down some . . . )

LIFE IMITATING ART?: information

INEVITABLE: The Hong Kong designers (Michael Miller Yu and Eric Chan), who designed the controversial anti-smoking poster, plan to enter it in international design competitions. Yu explained that "six thousand people died in the September 11 tragedy but more people die from smoking."

ONE WORLD UNITED: Anthrax in Pakistan?

CLARIFICATION: One thing is clear, and it isn't the objectives of the US war in Afghanistan.

QUOTE UNQUOTE: A "Gallery" of Misused Quotation Marks (Where is Joe's mother when you need her?)

That's all for today!

NOVEMBER 2, 2001

I'm back! and WHOA! so much stuff has come down the pike these past few days, I don't even know where to begin. The internet has been humming with information and it seems that more and more Americans are getting their news from non-American sources. (By the way, that Robert Greenan sure is a looker!)

Speaking of which, there has been scant coverage of over 250 anthrax threats against abortion clinics in 17 states, or how it seems neo-nazi extremists within the US are behind the deadly wave of anthrax attacks against America.

The State Department, with its latest release on the state of women (and girls?) in Afghanistan, is now only officially 5 years behind the times. But, hey, better late than never . . . and particularly when it suits your broader public relations needs.

Alongside the White House and the Capitol building on the alleged terrorist hit list for September 11 was another, little-noticed target: Incirlik, a US airbase in southern Turkey. Why Incirlik?

On October 29, a group of civil liberties, human rights, Arab-American, public access and other organizations, demanded the release of information on the over 900 people who have been jailed and detained since the September 11th terrorist attacks behind a curtain of official silence for more than six weeks. The groups demanded information from the FBI, the Justice Department and the INS under the Freedom of Information Act, and the constitutional and common law right of access to public records.

The Washington Post reports on dissent in America.

And finally, seemingly from the Let's Go Guide to Terrorism, one of the organizations listed as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist [SDGT] entity in Executive Order 12334 is AL-SHIFA' HONEY PRESS FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE, in Sanaa, Yemen, which according to the order is located "by the Shrine Next to the Gas Station, Jamal Street." Is this in case well-intended US agents get there and can't find it?


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LAST UPDATE: 11/27/01 11:00 AM

Why are we so happy that Afghans can now fly kites, shave their beards and wear short skirts when so few of us seemed to care about their plight before Sept. 11?

What about the millions of Afghans who are in danger of starvation this winter? Are they, too, flying kites amid the land mines and unexploded cluster bombs?

Why does Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair get a warm embrace for helping us wage war, but when Gordon Brown, Britain's chancellor of the exchequer, asks us to do more to help the world's poor, we give him a cold shoulder?

Why are atrocities committed by the Northern Alliance more acceptable than those committed by the Taliban?

Women in Saudi Arabia aren't allowed to drive cars, and women in Kuwait can't vote. Is that OK because those countries provide us with oil?

The answers wouldn't have anything to do with our selfish, short-sighted national interest, would it?

—Courtland Milloy,
in Good vs. Evil vs. Greed