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last updated: 2/17/2003; 8:48:16 AM

Wealth Bondage


Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Posted by The Happy Tutor

The Yes Men are a genderless, loose-knit association of some three hundred impostors worldwide. Their feeling today can be summed up in one simple phrase: Getting By On Dividends.

10:18:41 PM    comment [ ]

Posted by Candidia CruikshanksA picture named candidia's boots.jpg, Harvard MBA

Classactionnet.org: Our mission is to raise consciousness about the issues of class and money, and their impact on our individual lives, our relationships, organizations, institutions, and culture. We aim to heal the hurts of classism, and support the development of cross-class alliance building and to support the movement of resources to where they are most needed. "Classism," you have to love it. You work for 20 years getting rich in the Free Market System; you send your daughter to Mt. Holyoke, and this your reward! "A cross-class alliance," over my fucking knee.

7:41:19 PM    comment [ ]

Giving New England: Across the country, recently minted philanthropists are converting their private foundations into [donor advised]funds held by community foundations, which handle the paperwork for a fee but allow donors to direct their philanthropy. The Community Foundation Silicon Valley (http://www.cfsv.org/ ) saw its first foundation conversion at the end of 2000 and has participated in a dozen more since then. ....In addition, many philanthropists never fully appreciated the fact that running a private foundation involves a fairly heavy administrative load and significant expenses.  From 1990 to 2000, the number of U.S. foundations jumped 75 percent to nearly 57,000, compared with a 47 percent increase in the 1980s. The biggest growth in the late 1990s was among foundations with less than $10 million in assets. But according to the D.C.-based Council on Foundations (http://www.cof.org/), it doesn't make much sense to operate a foundation with less than that amount.  Research from the Council shows that while the average $5 million foundation cannot afford to spend more than $41,250 on administrative expenses, it's not uncommon for the salary for a part-time executive and legal and accounting fees to approach $44,000 a year.

6:03:43 PM    comment [ ]

Posted by The Happy Tutor

Matrullo on Terror cannot be paraphrased or redacted; every word has been carefully chosen, and many more carefully deleted.

1:14:13 PM    comment [ ]

Posted by The Happy Tutor

Writing to the two-way web is easier than finding a two-way brain on which to make a glancing impression.

1:06:46 PM    comment [ ]

Posted by The Happy Tutor A picture named Happy Tutor.jpg

Every genre has an implicit "contract" between writer and reader.

  1. Lecture - I talk you listen; I make it worth your while.
  2. Roundtable discussion - We take turns talking and pretend to listen.
  3. Panel - We take turns talking and we and the audience pretend to listen
  4. Questions from Audience - Any of the above with questions from "the peanut gallery."
  5. Blogs? The deal, I think, is this: I will pretend to read your crap; if you will pretend to read mine. Instead of showing up and nodding, half-asleep to show you are paying attention, as in a small group discussion or panel, in blogs your presence shows up in the referrals links, and your polite attention is shown in an occasional comment or link.

Blogs as peer to peer, many to many, communication don't scale well. I can only read so much crap, in order to get others to read mine. At some point I have to read those who, unlike The Happy Tutor and his blogroll have something important to say.

A-List Blogs

When a Blogger goes A-list, he or she is more like a lecturer, or a lecture plus panel. He or she takes questions on the fly, and plays off remarks from the audience, but, basically, the job is to hold forth, and duly recognize, as does any official, the efforts of the little people, who made your success possible.

A-list blogs at their best are our "representatives;" they speak not only too us, but for us, like G.W. Bush.

1:05:35 PM    comment [ ]

Posted by The Happy Tutor

Skimble: Can believers in "revealed" truth ever peacefully coexist with actual, physical truth? Ask AKMA; he struggles with the same question.

12:53:35 PM    comment [ ]

Posted by The Happy Tutor

Ray Davis on serious writing, on and off the web:

Even Jonathan Delacour only almost gets it:

"My instinct is that the real innovations in blogging will be made by those of us in limbo: without the pressures of producing for mainstream tastes but with the ambition to do more than chat amongst a tiny number of friends."

Delacour's "limbo" is in fact what the web was built for; the extremes of the hit-count scale are just gravy, not very well served. Commercial broadcasting and journalism are set up to handle high traffic and wide popularity. Email and bulletin boards are set up to handle friendly conversation. The niche markets and the midlists are what the web's low cost and wide distribution custom-tailor.

For the type of webloggers I read, the comparison that matters -- the comparison that decides the value of what they're doing -- isn't their hit count vs. the largest hit count on the web. What matters is their hit count vs. the number of readers they would have if they printed on paper (or not at all).

Had a professor, once, who asked me, "Why in the Middle Ages, did the artisan finish the statues of angels on the altar in three dimensions, when the congregation could see only the front?" After I made a foolish answer he said, "Because God sees." Some of us are glad for one reader, if any. Limbo is just heaven without God.

7:53:49 AM    comment [ ]

Posted by The Happy Tutor

Golub: Virtuosity on the Cheap, Ever since I was a child I've been involved in the performing arts, and I've been raised to work together to build 'an ensemble' as they say, 'that ensemble sensibility'....The ironic thing is that the opposite of failure is not success, but death. 

7:43:09 AM    comment [ ]

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