/* Outliner functions version: 1.3.6 last modified 4-Feb-2003 created by Marc Barrot, with help from Aaron Straup Cope, DJ Adams, Sjoerd Visscher and Danny Goodman copyright 2002 by Precision IT Management,Inc. You may use and distribute this code freely, just keep this header information intact. */ var img_expanded = 'http://www.wealthbondage.com/gems/activeRenderer/ol3.gif'; var img_collapsed = 'http://www.wealthbondage.com/gems/activeRenderer/ol2.gif'; var img_rotating = 'http://www.wealthbondage.com/gems/activeRenderer/globe.gif'; (new Image(15,15)).src = img_expanded; // caching (new Image(15,15)).src = img_collapsed; // caching (new Image(15,15)).src = img_rotating; // caching function expand(ioNode) { ioWedge = "i" + ioNode.substr(1); if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById(ioNode) != null) { document.getElementById(ioWedge).src=img_collapsed; document.getElementById(ioWedge).title='collapse'; document.getElementById(ioNode).className='expanded'; } } function collapse(ioNode) { ioWedge = "i" + ioNode.substr(1); if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById(ioNode) != null) { document.getElementById(ioWedge).src=img_expanded; document.getElementById(ioWedge).title='expand'; document.getElementById(ioNode).className='collapsed'; } } function ioSwitch(ioNode) { if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById(ioNode) != null) { nodeState = document.getElementById(ioNode).className; } if (nodeState == 'collapsed') { expand(ioNode); } else { collapse(ioNode); } } function expandAll(divName) { if (document.getElementsByTagName) { nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { if (nodeList.item(i).getAttribute('name') == divName) { expand(nodeList.item(i).id); } } } else { alert ("Sorry, don't know how to make this run in your browser."); } } function collapseAll(divName) { if (document.getElementsByTagName) { nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { if (nodeList.item(i).getAttribute('name') == divName) { collapse(nodeList.item(i).id); } } } else { alert ("Sorry, don't know how to make this run in your browser."); } } function normalizeAll(spanName) { if (document.getElementsByTagName) { nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName('span'); for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { if (nodeList.item(i).getAttribute('name') == spanName) { nodeList.item(i).style.fontWeight = 'normal'; } } } else { alert ("Sorry, don't know how to make this run in your browser."); } } function expandBold(ioNode) { ioWedge = "i" + ioNode.substr(1); ioTitle = "t" + ioNode.substr(1); if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById(ioNode) != null) { document.getElementById(ioWedge).src=img_collapsed; document.getElementById(ioWedge).title='collapse'; document.getElementById(ioNode).className='expanded'; document.getElementById(ioTitle).style.fontWeight = 'bold'; } } function expandByDate(n) { if (n.nodeType == 1) { if (n.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'div') { if (n.getAttribute('name') == 'item') { expandBold(n.id); } } } var children = n.childNodes; for (var i=0; i < children.length; i++ ) { expandByDate(children[i]); } } function daySwitch(postDate) { var hasItems = 0; if (document.getElementsByTagName) { nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName('span'); for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { if (nodeList.item(i).getAttribute('name') == 'itemTitle') { hasItems = 1; break; } } } if (hasItems) { collapseAll('item'); normalizeAll('itemTitle'); if (document.getElementById) { expandByDate(document.getElementById(postDate)); } } else { collapseAll('day'); ioSwitch(postDate); } } var targetNode; var targetRoot; function transclude(ioNode, url) { var serverUrl = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/06/webdata/xslt'; var xsltUrl = 'http://www.wealthbondage.com/gems/activeRenderer/outliner_js_xsl.txt'; var xsltUrl2 = 'http://www.wealthbondage.com/gems/activeRenderer/outliner_xsl.txt'; var renderRequest = serverUrl + '?xslfile=' + xsltUrl + '&xmlfile=' + url + '&transform=Submit'; var renderRequest2 = serverUrl + '?xslfile=' + xsltUrl2 + '&xmlfile=' + url + '&transform=Submit'; var ioWedge = "i" + ioNode.substr(1); var ioRoot = "r" + ioNode.substr(1); var ioTitle = "t" + ioNode.substr(1); if (document.getElementById) { // create buffer if needed if (! document.getElementById ('buffer')) { // if buffer does not already exist var buffer = document.createElement('div'); buffer.setAttribute ('id', 'buffer'); document.body.appendChild (buffer); // add buffer as last element of body } // test for Mac MSIE var macMSIE = navigator.userAgent.search (/MSIE.*Mac/i) + 1; if (macMSIE) { // open new window for transcluded content var xAnchor = screen.width - (640 + 20); var yAnchor = 5; var xWidth = 640; var yHeight = 400; window.open (renderRequest2, 'Related', 'width=' + xWidth + ', left=' + xAnchor + ', height=' + yHeight + ', top=' + yAnchor); } else { // expand node var imgNode = document.getElementById (ioWedge); // wedge image node var rootNode = document.getElementById (ioRoot); // embedding div node var spanNode = document.getElementById (ioTitle); // title span node var title = spanNode.firstChild.data; var newTitle = document.createTextNode (title); // create new heading container var expandedNode = document.createElement ('div'); // create embedding element expandedNode.setAttribute ('name', 'active'); expandedNode.setAttribute ('class', 'expanded'); expandedNode.setAttribute ('id', ioNode); expandedNode.style.marginLeft = '15px'; imgNode.src = img_rotating; // update wedge's image imgNode.title = 'loading'; imgNode.parentNode.setAttribute ('href', 'javascript:ioSwitch(\'' + ioNode + '\')'); spanNode.removeChild (spanNode.firstChild); // replace heading spanNode.appendChild (newTitle); rootNode.appendChild (expandedNode); // insert embedding element targetNode = expandedNode; targetRoot = imgNode; // load buffer with rendered outline script var theEl=document.createElement('script'); theEl.src = renderRequest; document.getElementById('buffer').appendChild(theEl); } } } function retrieveHtml(s) { // clean-up entity encoded HTML s = s.replace (/</g, '<'); s = s.replace (/>/g, '>'); s = s.replace (/&/g, '&'); // generate random key var rnd = Math.random(); var rnd_key = String (rnd).substr(1,6); s = s.replace (/(id="[rpti][^"][^"]*)/g, '$1' + rnd_key); // update all div node ids s = s.replace (/(\('p[^'][^']*)/g, '$1' + rnd_key); // update headings ids // insert transcluded HTML targetNode.innerHTML = s; targetRoot.src = img_collapsed; // update wedge image targetRoot.title = 'collapse'; } function imgLoad(ioNode, url) { // load image at url into browser cache // ioNode : expanding node identifier (string), stored in a custom property // url : web address of the included image (string) var ioWedge = "i" + ioNode.substr(1); if (document.getElementById) { var imgNode = document.getElementById (ioWedge); // wedge image node imgNode.src = img_rotating; // update wedge's image imgNode.title = 'loading'; } cachedImg.ioNode = ioNode; cachedImg.onload = imgTakeABreath; cachedImg.src = url; } function imgTakeABreath() { // allow for Mac MSIE and Mozilla to catch up setTimeout("imgSwitch()", 0); // ugh! } function imgSwitch() { // actual image transclusion starts here var ioWedge = "i" + cachedImg.ioNode.substr(1); var ioRoot = "r" + cachedImg.ioNode.substr(1); var ioTitle = "t" + cachedImg.ioNode.substr(1); if (document.getElementById) { var imgNode = document.getElementById (ioWedge); // wedge image node var rootNode = document.getElementById (ioRoot); // embedding div node var spanNode = document.getElementById (ioTitle); // title span node var expandedNode = document.createElement ('div'); expandedNode.setAttribute ('name', 'active'); expandedNode.setAttribute ('class', 'expanded'); expandedNode.setAttribute ('id', cachedImg.ioNode); expandedNode.style.marginLeft = '15px'; rootNode.appendChild (expandedNode); // insert embedding element var expandedWidth; if (rootNode.currentStyle) { // get embedding element's width expandedWidth = parseInt (rootNode.offsetWidth) - (15 + 4); } else { expandedWidth = parseInt (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle (expandedNode, '').getPropertyValue('width')); } var includedLink = document.createElement ('a'); // create a link for the included image includedLink.setAttribute ('href', cachedImg.src); includedLink.setAttribute ('target', '_new'); includedLink.setAttribute ('title', 'view full size'); var includedImg = document.createElement ('img'); // create the included image includedImg.setAttribute ('border', 0); includedImg.setAttribute ('hspace', 0); includedImg.setAttribute ('vspace', 8); includedImg.setAttribute ('alt', 'included image'); includedImg.src = cachedImg.src; // set the image's url if (expandedWidth < cachedImg.width) { // adjust size if greater than embedding element includedImg.width = expandedWidth; includedImg.height = (cachedImg.height / cachedImg.width) * expandedWidth; } expandedNode.appendChild (includedLink); // insert link includedLink.appendChild (includedImg); // insert image imgNode.src = img_collapsed; // update wedge imgNode.title = 'collapse'; imgNode.parentNode.setAttribute ('href', 'javascript:ioSwitch(\'' + cachedImg.ioNode + '\')'); } } function mmLoad(ioNode, url) { // load multimedia object at url into browser cache // ioNode : expanding node identifier (string), stored in a custom property // url : web address of the included object (string) var ioWedge = "i" + ioNode.substr(1); var ioRoot = "r" + ioNode.substr(1); var ioTitle = "t" + ioNode.substr(1); var ioObject = "f" + ioNode.substr(1); var urlType = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; var isWin = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win") != -1; // true if Windows, false if MacOS var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1; // true if MSIE, false if other browser if (url.substring (url.length - 3, url.length) == 'mov') { urlType = 'video/quicktime'; } if (document.getElementById) { var mmNode = document.getElementById (ioWedge); // wedge image element var rootNode = document.getElementById (ioRoot); // embedding div node var spanNode = document.getElementById (ioTitle); // title span node var expandedNode = document.createElement ('div'); expandedNode.setAttribute ('name', 'active'); expandedNode.setAttribute ('class', 'expanded'); expandedNode.setAttribute ('id', ioNode); expandedNode.style.textAlign = 'left'; expandedNode.style.marginLeft = '15px'; if (!isWin && isIE) { // use top margin if Mac MSIE expandedNode.style.marginTop = '4px'; } else { expandedNode.style.marginTop = '0px'; } rootNode.appendChild (expandedNode); // insert embedding element var expandedWidth; if (rootNode.currentStyle) { // get embedding element's width IE style var border = isWin ? (15 + 4) : 4; expandedWidth = parseInt (rootNode.offsetWidth) - border; } else { // or get it a la Mozilla expandedWidth = parseInt (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle (expandedNode, '').getPropertyValue('width')); } var embeddedstring = ''; expandedNode.innerHTML = embeddedstring; mmNode.src = img_collapsed; // update wedge mmNode.title = 'collapse'; mmNode.parentNode.setAttribute ('href', 'javascript:ioSwitch(\'' + ioNode + '\')'); } } function rssclude(ioNode, url) { alert ("RSS inclusion will be here shortly, keep faith :-)"); }