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Working on this site, and on our various programs, we have been exposed to a wealth of poetry on the net and off. Here is a small sampling, divided into sections for ease of use. The most recent additions are below.

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“It is the secret sympathy,
The silver link, the silken tie,
Which heart to heart, and mind to mind,
In body and in soul can bind.”
–Sir Walter Scott

The Vancouver Society of Storytelling is committed to the development and encouragement of storytelling as an art form and to increase the public's appreciation of storytelling and oral traditions. There is a strong commitment to multiculturalism and service to the storytelling community.

The Society operates the annual Vancouver Storytelling Festival.

Society of

Vincent Kamberk is a multidisciplinary artist whose work revolves around automatism and play. Those who lived in or visited Vancouver in the 90’s would be familiar with his work if not his name, having seen his rockbalancing displays amongst others.

Vincent Kamberk

Webartery.com is an internationally collaborative site devoted to showcasing and furthering the art of the World Wide Web, and they do mean World Wide.


Insomniac Press was founded in 1992 by Mike O'Connor. The press originally produced ‘chapbooks’ or small, limited-edition books of prose and poetry. After these chapbooks proved successful, Insomniac started producing perfect-bound books in 1993. The press was very soon able to secure distribution agreements in Canada and the United Kingdom.

Insomniac Press

The mission of the Around The Coyote is to develop an inclusive cultural community in Chicago, with emphasis on exhibiting the work of established and emerging local talent. Cultural activities enhance discourse, provide venues for educating through creative processes, and culminate in the annual fall festival.

Around the Coyote

An e-zine from Vallejo, California, which features a Poem of the Day as well as an Audio Poem of the Day. There’s also an exclusive Click-on-Tarot shockwave game.

Planet AUTHORity

Martha Cinader's site featuring literary work is a member of the e-poets network. It is also the home site for her book, When the Body Calls.


The UK's SLAM! pioneers, the FARRAGO CLUB & SLAM! are Europe's longest running poetry slam club, since 1994, with regular shows at the Tabernacle, one of London's leading Arts Centres and theatre venues.

Farrago Poetry

Rhizome is an online community space for people who are interested in new media art. Rhizome's activities focus on: presenting artworks by new media artists, critics and curators; fostering critical dialog; and preserving new media art for the future.


The website of Scott McCloud, the comics creator known for his groundbreaking works Understanding Comics and Reinventing Comics. Includes unique experiments with the form, including interactively scripted multi-directional comics.


The Yes Men are a genderless, loose-knit association of some three hundred impostors worldwide. These artist-activists have impersonated as WTO officials, getting loud applause from delegates who thought they were serious in discussing slavery rights, and proposing solutions to ensure that no “Gandhi-type situation” occurs again.

the Yes Men

Low-Fi is a dynamic database of current and past net art projects with an additional curatorial layer of selected lists. Artists are able to create links to their projects, sites, and netcasts, making it a useful tool for disseminating information about net based activities.

Low-Fi net arts projects

The mission of the Electronic Literature Organization is to promote and facilitate the writing and reading of electronic literature, with the ultimate goal of an expanded readership of literature written for electronic media. Electronic Literature Organization programs support new forms of literature which utilize the capabilities of emerging technologies to advance and extend literature for the benefit of current and future generations of readers.

Electronic Literature Organization

Creative Capital Foundation is a national (U.S.) nonprofit organization that supports artists pursuing innovative approaches to form and content in the media, performing, and visual arts, and in emerging fields. Creative Capital supports work with the potential for significant artistic and cultural impact. In particular, they look for artists who are articulate about their work and who have an understanding of the professional landscape. We have a special interest in projects that transcend discipline boundaries, and we will consider projects at any stage of development.

Creative Capital

Poetry Slam, Inc. is the official non-profit organization charged with overseeing the international coalition of poetry slams. Though slams are maintained in a growing number of cities by local volunteer organizers, the vast majority of slam series follow the rules established by the governing body, and are certified by the governing body as slams that adhere to the vision slam's founders established for the art form over a decade ago. Because of slam's exponential growth as an art form, PSI has emerged not only as an administrative body to maintain the rules which govern slam, but as an organization that seeks to grow slam's audience and protect slam's interests.

Poetry Slam Inc.

Geist magazine is a quarterly featuring the best in Canadian fiction, non-fiction, photography, comix, little-known facts of interest, and so on. Geist is the home of the Honorary Canadian Awards, the Distance Writing Contest, the Cross-Canada Phrasebook, the Menstrual Map of Canada, and other cultural phenomena.

Geist Magazine

A not-for-profit society dedicated to the understanding of film and moving images. Browse the site to find out about ongoing public programs such as regular screenings at their downtown theatre, educational resources like the film studies library, as well as outreach projects delivering the best in local, national, and international film and video throughout British Columbia. Through screenings, film tours, educational services, and film-related resources, the Pacific Cinémathèque fosters critical media literacy and advances cinema as an art and as a vital means of communication in British Columbia and Canada.

Pacific Cinémathèque

Vancouver Co-operative Radio is operated by more than 300 volunteers and is non-commercial radio that is financially supported by its listeners. Co-op Radio offers 89 different programs primarily in English, but including ten other languages. The signal is available via FM mono broadcast and cable radio transmission to the people of BC and northern Washington state. Co-op Radio was set up in 1974 to increase community participation in and encourage examination of the social and political concerns of the geographic and cultural communities of BC. Our first official broadcast was on April 14, 1975.

Vancouver Co-operative Radio

Mannafest was established by Khefri 'KA'frique' Riley and Vanessa Richards in 1995. Its multi-medium productions continue to set standards for innovative contemporary arts. Melting musical, lyrical and visual symbology with a keen sense of purpose their ‘cultural properties’ are propelled into film, new media, theatre, and publications.


Wayde Compton's first book 49th Parallel Psalm (Advance Editions, 1999), a history-in-verse of the black presence in British Columbia, was nominated for the 2000 Dorothy Livesay B.C. Book Prize. His writing has appeared in several journals and anthologies including Poetry Nation (Vehicule Press, 1998) and Step into a World: A Global Anthology of the New Black Literature (John Wiley and Sons, 2000). He is currently editing Bluesprint: An Anthology of Black British Columbian Literature and Orature and working on a 'turntable poem' for DJs titled The Reinventing Wheel. A novel about telepathy and mixed-race is also in the works. He lives in Vancouver.

Wayde Compton

Quarry West was founded by Raymond Carver, who taught at Porter College, University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1971. The first few issues were called Quarry; then it was discovered that there was already a Canadian literary journal of that name– hence Quarry West. Now on an annual publication schedule, Quarry West is a nationally distributed magazine devoted to printing the finest poetry, poetry in translation, fiction, art, essays and reviews available, with a particular emphasis on encouraging quality new voices alongside the best new works of more established writers.

Quarry West

Room of One's Own magazine is a collection of short stories, poems, art and reviews by, for and about women. One of Canada's oldest literary magazines, it has been a forum in which, for more than 20 years, women have been sharing their unique perspectives on the world, each other, and themselves.

Room of One's Own

The New Quarterly presents itself as following “new directions in Canadian writing.” It is published from the University of Waterloo, Ontario.

The New Quarterly

For forty years, Canadian Literature has explored and celebrated the best Canadian writers and writing. Each issue contains articles on writers and books– with some issues devoted entirely to special topics– together with new poems and an extensive section reviewing recent and current books.

Canadian Literature

Canada's longest living literary journal, The Fiddlehead is published four times a year at the University of New Brunswick. First published in 1945, The Fiddlehead is known as a Who's Who in Can-Lit. The Fiddlehead sponsors an annual writing contest and awards two prizes of $1,000 each.

The Fiddlehead

Cyberculture is taught online from the University of Newcastle, Australia. The web site contains links to recommended readings, and to relevant web sites; and outlines questions for discussion in the online tutorials; and self-correcting quizzes to monitor your progress.


Grain Magazine is an internationally acclaimed literary journal, publishing the freshest poetry and prose from Canada, the US, and abroad.

Grain Magazine

Based in Toronto, Canada, the Harbourfront Reading Series hosts weekly readings, and the annual International Festival of Authors.

the electronic salon

If's mandate is to create innovative artistic content delivered through the web, multimedia CD-ROM, live events, and audio CDs. These will incorporate text, spoken word, visual art, music and sound, hypertext, and other media; and to work with professional writers, poets, and other spoken word artists to develop extended forms of literary expression in the new media.

If Media Arts

The Malahat Review espouses no particular ideology or aesthetic. They try to achieve a balance of views and styles in each issue. They strive for a mix of the best writing by both established and new writers. Malahat publishes fiction and poetry and includes reviews of Canadian writing in each issue. They are open to dramatic works, so long as they lend themselves to the page; they welcome literary works that defy easy generic categorization.

Malahat Review

Established in 1959 by a group of Vancouver writers, PRISM international is the oldest literary magazine in Western Canada. We publish short fiction, poetry, drama, creative non-fiction and translation by both new and established writers from around the world. Our only criteria are originality and quality.

PRISM International

Founded in 1969, The Saskatchewan Writers Guild is a province-wide organization representing writers in all disciplines and at all levels of development. It is one of the largest writers' organizations in Canada, with membership of over 700. The Guild's mission is to improve the status of the writer in Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan Writers Guild

Since the early 70s, Seagull has been supporting, nurturing and disseminating creative and critical activity in the arts in India, in the belief that the arts are everybody's responsibility.


from the site: We wanted a celebration of poetry and story telling. We wanted to be lost for an evening on a midway of voice. Voice like caramel, sticking to our fingers. Voice of adrenaline, of inspiration. Exhilarating, head spinning. We wanted carnival. And where could our Toronto raised image of carnival dance with those raised in Trinidad, New Orleans or Markinch, Saskatchewan? Scream In High Park became an eclectic meeting of background, viewpoint, and writing style. A momentary blending of voices forming a single, unrepeatable expression of the possible. The carny wasn't asking us to buy, just to come in and discover...

Scream in High Park

An annual festival that features writers from around the world. Join us on Granville Island featuring over 90 authors. Over 11,000 readers gather for five days of readings, discussions, and book signings each October. The festival encourages an appreciation of the written word and promotes literacy by providing a forum where readers and writers of all ages can interact.

Vancouver International Writers (& Readers) Festival

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