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III: Resouces

If you want to explore Web art further, here are some galleries -- of both the real-world and virtual varieties -- and hubs to check out:

  • ®TMmark (say "artmark") is the mock-corporate site put up by the Whitney Museum as an adjunct to its 2000 Biennial. Perhaps the most prestigious art happening in America, the Whitney Biennial is recognizing online digital art for the first time in 2000.

  • Fast + Wide is a site put up in conjunction with an exhibition of digital art held at the Broadway Media Centre in London. Its links section (click on "Web Works") is extensive.

  • SITO contains Web art dating back as far as 1993 -- which is positively ancient in Internet terms. And, accordingly, some of the stuff here does look quite primitive, which makes this site a valuable historical resource. It's got interesting recent works as well.

  • Boogaholler is a hub for those interested in online art and other forms of troublemaking.

  • This Introduction to Net Art, from a 1999 exhibit, attempts to give definitions, guides, and other information relevant to the still-emerging art form.

  • is a virtual gallery space that receives NEA funding for its projects.

  • The Museum of Visual Poetry hosts a variety of Web-art experiments.


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