Here are some online stores with excellent selections of toys. Most are as easy to use as eToys, if not easier. If you have purchased a product from eToys, return it, and buy instead from any of these. (Please write us with further suggestions.)
SmarterKids: Rated the #1 educational toy site on the web!
FAO Schwarz: Classy.
Games Imported: Many nice board games and puzzles.
Chumbo: Computer games, including educational ones, clearly explained.
JustBalls: Soccer, football, volleyball, wiffleball, etc.
Stupid: Stupid! Fun!
ZooKeeps: Stuffed animals that can wear your child's outgrown clothes.
FunFolly: Costumes.
Eureka: More costumes.
KBKids: Owned by Consolidated Stores, who have serious issues of their own....
More online toy stores
Amazon: Creepy and awful too
Note about ToysRUs is eToys' largest competitor, and, as it happens, is also attempting to steal a domain name. But don't worry--even with these two out of the running, you can still get anything you like elsewhere, just as easily.
For those looking to invest in something better than eToys, see this message for a few hints.