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Various links  
Corporate Poetry Contest  
The Zapatista Consulta of March 21  
Chance 2000: Party of the Last Chance  
Welcome these "illegals" to your site  
Useful links

  Various links
Epicenter A farmer vs. Monsanto Are corporations really alive?
La Fiambrera
Revoking our plutocracy
Cultural Terrorism Agency
The Corporate Republic Media Access Toolkit POCLAD How to live with genetically modified food
Critical Art Ensemble
Autonome A.F.R.I.K.A.
Is Globalization Inevitable and Desirable? Retrieving Publicness from the Privatization of the Globe California Department of Corrections Los Angeles Independent Media Center
Protest.Net Electrohippies Perforations Adbusters
Corporate Accountability Project
Maquila Guide! DigitalAngelTM (technology that cares!) Union of Concerned Scientists
Ronald McDonald comes clean Factory Farming Direct Action Media Network
Particles The Institute for Applied Autonomy New York Community Gardens Direct action for public space
"If full employment is strangling your production, we specialize in helping small lo-tech or no-tech manufacturers." Maquila properties!
Incineration: non-polluting renewable energy? Host an illegal Exquisite Corpse
Vote on an ®TMark project Mateoland Biotic Baking Brigade Penn State Porn and KKK
No Media Kings Corporate death penalty DoS: tactic or crime? Reclaim the Streets New York
DJ Spooky DHTML Credo Pie leads official to change his tune? Otherzone
List of United Nations peacekeeping missions currently underway in New York City Salon on commercialization
AOL kids Corporate Watch MapCruzin (mapping for activists) Public Information Research (Namebase)
MediaSpace Disinformation A16 pictures South to the Future
Alternative news
History of public relations Menwith Hill
NO LOGO Archive of hacked pages Experimental Interaction Unit
Bush Campaign Aid Solicitation System Drink Ceci-Cela! / Buvez Ceci-Cela! Katholisches Deutschland Genetic modification stickers
Granny D (Dorris Haddock) Decadent Action NATOarts: keeping the world safe for art
Inspired by Wendy's
Alternative Euro designs
Guerrilla Art / Guerrilla Art
Institute of Sociometry
Bob Ostertag
Shell Oil
Multinational monitor
Democracy Direct Union-Trade!
Hypocrisy Entertainment Network Pochismo
Advertisers Anonymous
Michael Moore on that Cuban child
The right to expression isn't given, it's taken
There is no free-market capitalism
Art Crimes Military takeover of Times Square Thomson-Craighead
Public Netbase (Vienna)
Mejor Vida Corp. The People-Centered Development Forum
CSPAM Just stop it. "You're In Bad Hands With Allstate" Retail Worker
Help us win in Yugoslavia!
Department of Ongoing Digital Situations The "Seth Jones" Manifesto
Cloning for everyone Tommy Hitler
Enjoy the Sign
Art is the petroleum jelly of the fuckers of the people (L´art est la vaseline des enculeurs du peuple)
Mail art
Forbidden Peenuts
Illegal Art
A Short History of Neo-Liberalism
Sound-Emitting Device Project
About DoS Surprise Passers-by! GNU
Suggested Photo Spot Ultimate Prank Page
Art Mofo Universal Domain
La Playa del Carmen
Escape Mechanism
Discount Store Guide
Great Discounters speak
Workers, Fossils, Horse
AOL hacks
Internet pirate People Like Us Fringeware
Sting is bad
Anal sex
Australasian compilation
Steal This Site
Vitriol to new heights
Jamming the Media
Barbie & Ken Politically Incorrect Linz, Austria Alien Sun, "subversive and classified"
An idea that could really take off
Quit your job
Best Modest Proposal (TV spot here)
Art death, part 1
Terry Southern
Clocktower hacked
President Concerned citizen

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