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Millennium and My Business
Feed the World!
The Y2K Bug
Y2K ist so geil!

  PowerPoint presentations
  The PowerPointTM slides from these presentations have been saved as HTML for your viewing pleasure. Please also feel free to download the original presentations from their respective index pages.  (The "Millenium" presentation includes giant sound and video files that have not been included; a CD containing all presentations and associated files will be available shortly.)

    Y2K Industries   Millennium and My Business
Material / PowerPoint / Y2K Industries
    Biotech 2000   Feed the World!
Material / PowerPoint / Biotech 2000
    The Y2K Bug   The Y2K Bug
Material / PowerPoint / The Y2K Bug
    Y2K ist so geil!   Y2K ist so geil!
Material / PowerPoint / Y2K ist so geil!
    "Infowar"   "Cyber-subversion" and corporate terror
Material / PowerPoint / "Infowar"