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Bringing IT to YOU!
Making Video News Releases
Videos with a large audience


  Promotional video
  Our 60-minute compilation tape includes Bringing IT to YOU!, an informative segment about Video News Releases, a Danish TV journal about ®TMark and Hitler in Austria, a reading by the Brookings Institute's own Robert Litan (1998 winner of the ®TMark Corporate Poetry Contest), news coverage of ®TMark projects by CNN, NBC, ZDTV, and others, and an oratorical PowerPointTM presentation.

To buy the full compilation online, please click here.

To order the full compilation from Seeland Records, please write a check to "NEGATIVLAND" for US$23 ($24 from Canada, $26 from Europe, $28 from Japan, Australia and elsewhere), with memo "RTMark--BITY," and send it to:

1920 Monument Blvd., PMB MF-1
Concord CA 94520 USA

RealVideo previews of several ®TMark videos are also available at SuperSphere.

    Bringing IT to YOU!   Bringing IT to YOU!
Material / Video / Bringing IT to YOU!
    Making VNRs   Making Video News Releases
Material / Video / Making VNRs
    News video   Videos with a large audience
Material / Video / News video
    It   It's About Time
Material / Video / It's About Time