I have a better idea


"Will you read to me, Mary? I think Ginnie is serious about her voice being tired." Dorothy, sporting a magenta kerchief led Tori to the rocking chair. When Tori sat, Dorothy laid at her feet.

"I ... I ... ain't a good reader, Victoria. Trust me." Mary wrung her hands and bit her lower lip.

"Oh, let's try. You can even pick which book you want to read."

"I got a better idea. It's such a nice day out there. Let's go for a walk."

Tori cocked her head, a sure sign she was thinking. She twisted a lock of hair in her fingers and sighed. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Mary."

"Why not? You have Dorothy after all. And, I'll be with you. Let's try it."

"Well." Tori reached down to stroke the dog. "What do you think, Ms. Parker? Would you like to go out?"

The dog leapt and licked Tori's face. She whined, pranced and sat down, as she had been trained, to await instruction.

"Well," Tori resigned, "I suppose we should give it a try."

Mary exhaled. "I'll get your sneakers and your hat, then. Be right back."

Victoria didn't know what to make of herself. She was half excited and half scared. It would be her first trip out in the world as a blind person.

What was taking Mary so long. Another minute, and she was sure to change her mind and stay in.
