when this story breaks ...

Johnny waited until he heard the bus stop to receive its passengers and resume its travel. For good measure, he decided to wait an extra few minutes to make sure that they had not changed their minds about going downtown.

How simple it was. They had not locked the back door.

Inside, he retraced his steps, this time, certain that he would not be discovered. He strode through the kitchen and into what must be the auxiliary arm of the town library.

WHEWEE, she got more damn books than the library musta had.

Where to leave it? Where to leave the letter than would unravel the world as they knew it? That would no longer make him a stranger to her? Where to leave something that he had been lucky enough to get from her before she died.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I would do things differently now," Olivia, his love, had said minutes before she passed to Heaven. Did he want Heaven for her? Or did he want her to suffer the hell he had lived since he had seen the baby? Decades and decades of silence, of wanting, of hurting ...
