something doesn't add up

He shuffled into the Hosey, where Harry was washing glasses from last night's dart match.

"Johnny! Come on now, pull up a stool and I'll pour ya a wee one."

"I need more than a wee one, young Harry. These old bones are creaking like mine timbers after a blast."

Harry dried his hands on the bar towel and poured Johnny a double shot of Four Queens. "Then you'll be needing a beer with that, too." He popped open a bottle of Yuengling Lager. "Waiting for a new kegger. You'll have to nurse a bottle this morning."

Johnny raised his glass to Harry. "Good health then, Harry." He drank the double shot in one smooth swallow. "Tell me something?"

"Sure, Johnny."

"How did that wife of yours find that helper for Victoria?"

"She answered Ginnie's ad. Father sent her."

"Where'd she come from? Nobody saw her around here before and she talks like a southerner."

" West Virginia is all I know. She's a nice woman. Quiet. Both Ginnie and Victoria like her a lot."

"Well, don't you think it's funny that she just turned up here? I mean come on, all the younger ones run out of here and most don't come back, ‘cept for weddings and funerals."

"I dunno, Johnny. Why are you so curious about her anyway?"




Johnny took a swig of his beer and pushed his empty shot glass toward Harry. "Ain't nothing much else to talk about. I'm just being nosey is all."

"I try to stay out of these affairs between sisters. One day, Ginnie loves Tori as much as she can love. The next, she's cursing her up and down and sideways, too."

"Yeah, I know. But it sure would be nice for the three sisters to get along."


Johnny's heart stopped. He grabbed a nitro from the breast pocket of his flannel and popped it in his mouth. "What?"

"You said three."

"Don't pay any attention to an old man drinking whiskey before the noon hour. Hey, did I ever tell you about how we made it through prohibition?"

"I think you need another shot, Johnny."

"Make it a double."
