In touch with writing


Tori sat the tablet on her lap and ran her hand across the blank page.

She felt to make sure that the pen was right side up and moved it down to meet the paper. Using her left hand to straighten the tablet in her lap, she then turned the pen barrel. A smile formed on her lips. It had been so long. Could she do this?

She breathed and saw in her mind's eye a blank page and her pen and words began to form, to dance before her eyes. Tori giggled like a girl. "I see them. I see them," she said aloud.

"What?" Mary ran into the room. "What do you see, Victoria?"

"Oh, Mary, I see words in my head. I see words."


Mary stared at the paper. "I don't understand. I don't see them."

"Of course you don't. I don't either, really. At least not as we see things with our eyes. No, this is different. They are in my mind's eye, Mary."

"Mind's eye?"

"Yes. Did you ever see things from the inside?"

"I, well, I, I don't know. I can't say as I have."

"I hope someday you do then. For it's the greatest feeling in the world. It's the best sight there is." Tori lifted the tablet, and began to write.

Mary watched her for a moment before returning to the kitchen, where she was busy making tuna salad.

Victoria wrote, envisioning the lines on the page and the words that were transposing themselves from her spirit onto the page.

