temporary blindness madness










I put the tablet on the coffee tablet and reached to hug her. "I'm sorry. I am. You keep at that. I can hire a typist, too."

"A typist, too? Who else are you hiring?"

"A person or people to come read to you."

"That's a good idea."

"It is? I mean you think so?" I had not predicted this reaction. I had prepared myself for a battle.

"Sure it is. It's a temporary measure for which I am grateful. Do I get to do the interviews?"

Just when you think you know your sister, she pulls the rug from under you. Why had I worried myself sick over this? Why hadn't I done this months ago, when I realized that my days and nights had been given over to her? When I gave my eyes to her?

"I think we have someone to start out."

She folded her arms across her chest. "So, you have been at this for a while? You didn't come to consult me about it first?" Tori stood. Dorothy stood. Both looked like they wanted to growl.

"I posted an ad here and there." Everywhere. "A man responded by email. I've made an appointment with him for tomorrow."