never judge a bookman by its cover


He had not been up The Heights in decades. Things were different, but not SO much that you couldn't see the history of the place, not so much you couldn't see that back in the 20s, this was THE RICH section of town.

Checking to make sure he had the right address, he turned off the ignition and sat back in his seat. A breeze that smelled of fresh cut lawn wafted past him and out the passenger window.

Storyreader was schedule to be here in 39 seconds. He closed his eyes, trying to imagine how awful it would be to not have eyes that worked.

"Hey, there! Judging by your license plate, you must be Bookman?" Ginnie smiled as she approached the driver-side door.

He gasped and opened the door.

"Oh my God! Jake? Jake Malley?"

"Virginia Slavinkas?" Jake struggled for air. "But, if ... if you're Storyreader? Are you Storyreader? Well, of course, you must be ... but ..."

Ginnie took a deep breath.

Could things get any more out of control?

"That's right. If I am Storyreader, and I am, then my blind sister is Victoria."

"Well, this makes things different."

"I'll say it does."

Tori's front door opened and Mary poked out her head. "Hey, y'all. I made a strawberry pie and the coffee is as fresh as it can get. Come on in."
