as flowers in June

"Spell it, Mary."


"It's what gave you the will to learn reading and writing."

"So, it's a good thing, then? Motivation can be bad, too. Mama always said I was motivated by some bad things. But, this time, it's good?"

"Indeed. I hear a new confidence in your voice for it."

"And, I hear sadness in yours."

"I miss Ginnie. I do. It's nice to have Jake here, mind you, but Ginnie and I have been together all our lives."

"Oh, she'll not stay away long, I'll warrant."

"Something's going on with her. That's why she is not popping in and out of here. Trouble is, I can't put my finger on what it might be."

Dorothy's ears went up and she barked the alert to a visitor, someone she knew, Tori judged by the tone of the bark.