according to those with eyes


"It says, and I quote, "Although the event was well received by those in attendance, more than a few citizens talked about Victoria Venue, who had been the librarian for years. Until the day of the fire, when she stormed inside, succumbed to smoke and was left permanently blind.

"It won't be the same," Joanna Lukstais said. "I grew up reading what Victoria suggested. I was in there a couple times a week to talk about books with her.


"Comments similar to Lukstais' were common. In fact, board members, noting the lack of a librarian, mentioned their interest in speaking to Ms. Venue. According to Board President Stanley Wisenhuf, board members agree that volunteers could handle stamping and shelving and doing those library tasks for which eyes were needed and Ms. Venue could do what she has always done very well- bring in patrons."


Victoria sighed as Jake turned the newspaper page. Mary stood behind him, straining to read the rest of the story.

"You mean they still don't have anyone? The place has been open for weeks, Jake. They're dragging their heels a bit."