Whose story does the picture know?


They stood in silence,
each with thoughts
to which no one
would give voice.

Sunlight illuminated the box
from which the dead
had been resurrected.

Victoria willed the box to go away. If only one could move back the hands of time, she thought. How often had she meant to move that box to the attic trunk wherein she had hidden other remnants of her mother?

Placed on the library shelf, left among the books for so long, the box had looked just like any old book, just like any pretty book.

Who could have suspected that once opened,

its story
would change
so many lives?

Dear Reader:

Your storyteller is here... somewhere in this web... we suspect in a subplot ... Have you been following the subplots? Perhaps, you would like to see the place where Victoria and Virginia live? You might also want to check out this place for additional details. While you're checking out the cultural geography wherein our characters live, love, work and play, please click here.