Conflict in Storyland

"Look, if you don't want to read, don't. You don't have to be cantankerous about it all. I know you really don't like to read, at least this much, at least not the kind of books I like to read. You always were belligerent, Virginia. If I said day, you said 'night.' If I said sun, you said 'moon .' If I ... She rubbed her eyes. "I just WANT to see. I'm tired of talking."







"I don't have a problem with reading," I told her. "You know that so don't pick a fight, which you were always good at."

I became so hoarse that neither horehound nor honey/lemon tea soothed the tears in my vocal chords. "We have to do a book on tape now. I simply must have a rest," I croaked late one night as we sat in her study in our pajamas and bare feet. The lilacs were blooming again. We had been through a year of books.

"On tape? On TAPE? What are you talking about?"

"These days, you can listen to books. You can read them on the Internet. You can read about books there, too. I tried to tell you that. Don't you remember? I tried to get you to stock audiobooks at the library but you said, and I quote "I will not entertain such a ludicrous idea'."

"I remember, and, I still feel the same way. Books are meant to be caressed, cuddled, kissed."

"Like lovers?" People here say Victoria turned inward -- to the book -- after Jacob. Victoria, however, always has her stock response for this accusation: "Don't start with me. I was a bookworm before him - way before him."

"I have no use for alternative media. I don't want to LISTEN to a book."

"Why not? You listen to me read? What's the difference?"

"You're here."

