From: Ginnie <> Block Sender | Block Domain
Date: 2004/09/12 Sun PM 08:14:38 CDT
To: <>
Subject: Re: Re: Your HELP WANTED Ad

Dear Bookman:

What is a reader worth? I had not thought to set a pay. How much do you think a
reader is worth?

Time? My sister would have you read around the clock. That's what I pretty much
did for her until my voice went out.

Why don't we agree on a pay and if you're still interested, we can meet at my
sister's to introduce you and get started?

I'll let her know that we may have ourselves a reader. I think she will be
happy to hear a new voice and to meet a new friend who also likes books.


P.S. How long have you been back in town? And, who were you before you left?
What a question, huh? But, so many people who leave never come home and when
they do, they're hardly the people we knew.

> From: <>
> Date: 2004/09/12 Sun PM 09:03:58 EDT
> To: Ginnie <>
> Subject: Re: Re: Your HELP WANTED Ad

> Yes. I live in town. I was born here but I left for a long time and came back
a couple of weeks ago. Not much has changed, I'll say that for the place.
> As for O'Hara, I've never heard of him. Why don't we hear anything about him
> I haven't read a classic since high school, but I remember that I liked most
of them. I like fiction and I like history. So that would not be a problem.
> Newspapers, I read, usually online now, but I can print out articles to read.
I do subscribe to the local paper. I thought it was the responsible thing to
> I'm retired now so my schedule is flexible. How much are you talking about
paying the reader? Not, mind you, that money will be the deciding factor.
Company would be nice too.
> Bookman 462