B Y  F L A S H I N G  L I G H T S :  A N  I N T E R N E T  S U R V E Y

ReadMe: Below is a list of 10 online artworks chosen by a panel of internet art experts. To take part in this survey, visit one or more of the sites, returning here to go on to the survey page. After you've completed your survey you'll be able to see the results.

follow these links to visit the art
1. JODI.org
2. Once Upon A Forest
by Maruta
3. %20Insecure
by lia
4. follow ?
by Ben Benjamin
5. Vertical Blanking Interval
by Vivian Selbo
6. iola
by Robbin Murphy
7. Riot
by Mark Napier
8. Tactics for Survival in The New Culture
by G.H. Hovagimyan
9. 0100101110101101.ORG
by 0100101110101101.org
10. Conducter Number 9
by Cary Peppermint
Follow the links below to go directly to the survey.
1. Jodi.org
2. Once Upon A Forest
3. %20Insecure
4. follow ?
5. Vertical Blanking Interval
6. iola
7. Riot
8. Tactics for Survival in The New Culture
9. 0100101110101101.org
10. Conductor Number 9
survey provided by MT Script

This web site is part of the Website Unseen project. Browse the Website Unseen Title List to choose your Title.
MTAA 2000