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Survey for JODI.org
please choose ONE word which you feel best describes the artwork.

fancy post-critical brainy romantic salty visionary benign
cool significant well-researched crafty tasty splendid fantastic
artaining super un-ironic sunny luscious zippy mesmerizing
nice splendid pleasant light funky peppy cuddly
sublime 'bad' divine soulful nonfattening academically sound hypnotizing
sexy hot exciting peaceful pure yummy snuggily
dope juicy holy 'off the hook' 'da bomb' xenogenic architectonic
earth-shattering easy hallucinogenic tough clintonesque preppy worldly
fresh macho baroque rough warholian scratch-resistant shock-resistant
paradigm-shifting pumped romantic splendifferace duchampian earnest bombastic
classic grade 'A' excessive pyrogenic foxy number one elemental
top-o-the-line golden amazing luminous flirtatious unique elegant
non-pejorative persuasive good terrific omnipresent easeful high-performance
svelte radical skilled massive standard advanced special
spunky 'rad' very skilled glowing orgasmic indestructible very special
the-bee's-knees restless incredible overflowing beautiful secure polished
atomic substantive semi-religious systematic flamboyant enthusiastic quality
nuclear ultrasonic responsible controlled carefree exclusive functional
tubular 'ill' respected mindful spirited ebullient kosher
happy-go-lucky hardy merciful inspired casual pretty phat
sophisticated awe-inspiring catchy action-packed huge fun spotless
first-class self-replicating spontaneous eminent gargantuan gothic handmade
bright eccentric versatile edifying topical economical sporty
connected strong up-and-coming dual-purpose value-added ducky transcendental
supercool bawdy non-flaccid shiny complex interesting sumptuous
saucy rock-solid dumbfounding dynastic satirical contemporary stylin'
bitchin’ ultramodern quiet friendly spiritual flattering elfin
lovely fine popular sweet fetishistic sticky vertical