note #1:
The title page to this website may seem to mimic the 'generic' look of conceptual or minimalist artwork, but please be assured that this is only a shallow reference to the the history of progressive artwork. MTAA hopes that no one mistakes this piece for an artwork in the progressive tradition of conceptualism or minimalism.

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note #2:
This artwork is the result of a collaboration between members of the RHIZOME_RAW list-serv.
Follow this link for detailed information regarding the creation of this artwork.

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MTAA (M.River & T.Whid Art Associates) \\\\\ MT Enterprises WorldWide ( >>notes

Website Unseen #100:
The Light That Falls Across the Ceiling of the Room that Shows Us The End Of The Day As Night is Slowly Making Its Way Into Our Sight (AKA It's Now Safe To Turn Off Your Computer)
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