The Website Unseen #53: Java My Ass Idea & Object Collector
The AKA (Also Known As) Creator
Though Website Unseen #53: Java My Ass is nothing, MTAA have built this simple tool with which we hope to fill it up with ideas and actual objects in collaboration with you.

Follow these steps to append your AKA to the title, fill it up with your ideas, and link to objects you've created. You can complete as many steps as you like.

NOTE: if you wish to submit an object please have it available on the web before filling out the form.
First: Please let us know who is creating our ideas for us:

Second: Append your AKA to the title:
Website Unseen #53: Java My Ass AKA

Third: Fill the title with an idea:

Fourth: Fill the title with an object:
MY OBJECT: http://

MTAA - m.river & t.whid art assoc. / information regarding the Website Unseen Project