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eBay Bid History for
My Personal Hatred (Item # 1434614536)

Currently $51.00 First bid $0.25
Quantity 1 # of bids 31
Time left 2 days, 21 hours +
Started May-28-01 21:58:01 PDT
Ends Jun-04-01 21:58:01 PDT
Seller (Rating) stop_flux (0) mask

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Bidding History (Highest bids first)
User ID Bid Amount Date of Bid
emkayusa (1) - Jun-01-01 18:23:18 PDT
emkayusa (1) - Jun-01-01 18:23:11 PDT
emkayusa (1) - Jun-01-01 18:22:51 PDT
emkayusa (1) - Jun-01-01 18:22:38 PDT
emkayusa (1) - Jun-01-01 18:22:26 PDT
emkayusa (1) - Jun-01-01 18:22:06 PDT
emkayusa (1) - Jun-01-01 18:21:50 PDT
jomy@drexel.edu (8) - May-31-01 09:18:24 PDT
tomr@aceldama.com (3) - May-31-01 15:15:16 PDT
vupham (6) - May-31-01 14:51:33 PDT
tomr@aceldama.com (3) - May-31-01 13:43:10 PDT
roscoep.soultrain (15) star - May-31-01 08:41:01 PDT
ratatouille (17) star - May-31-01 01:37:43 PDT
stsean1 (20) star - May-30-01 09:52:31 PDT
robart22@hotmail.com (3) - May-30-01 20:18:24 PDT
robart22@hotmail.com (3) - May-30-01 20:17:53 PDT
robart22@hotmail.com (3) - May-30-01 20:17:31 PDT
www.sccauctions.com (104) star - May-30-01 12:40:06 PDT
cemortelennui (10) star - May-30-01 12:16:37 PDT
gcbrowni (108) star - May-30-01 08:12:42 PDT
stsean1 (20) star - May-30-01 07:13:16 PDT
1800 (34) star - May-29-01 23:27:55 PDT
dustedgrrl (15) star - May-29-01 15:37:21 PDT
technomageuk (1) about me - May-29-01 15:10:33 PDT
mriver102 (0) - May-29-01 14:29:18 PDT
real.live.wire (88) star about me - May-29-01 14:23:02 PDT
chaeron (2) - May-29-01 11:18:11 PDT
not38 (6) - May-28-01 23:02:41 PDT
chaeron (2) - May-29-01 11:17:47 PDT
chaeron (2) - May-29-01 11:17:35 PDT
chaeron (2) - May-29-01 11:16:58 PDT

Bid amount protected until close of auction. Remember that earlier bids of the same amount take precedence.

Bid Retraction and Cancellation History
User ID Action / Explanation Date of bid and retraction
rustyab (7) Cancelled$50,000.00
Explanation:Bidder has no intention of paying off his bid.
Bid:May-31-01 17:12:29 PDT
CancelledJun-01-01 18:05:31 PDT
saxton@visi.com (13) star Cancelled$1,049.69
Explanation:Bidder has no intention of paying off bid.
Bid:Jun-01-01 21:53:47 PDT
CancelledJun-01-01 23:13:43 PDT
ngn18 (19) star Cancelled$2,500.00
Explanation:Bidder has no intention of paying bid
Bid:May-31-01 17:10:59 PDT
CancelledJun-01-01 20:41:05 PDT
pindudex (34) star Cancelled$77,677.77
Explanation:Bidder has no intention of paying off his bid.
Bid:Jun-01-01 16:26:59 PDT
CancelledJun-01-01 18:04:36 PDT
chad@northsidecomp.com (5) Cancelled$50,200.00
Explanation:Bidder has no intention of paying off his bid.
Bid:Jun-01-01 11:45:47 PDT
CancelledJun-01-01 18:05:09 PDT
neurocide5 (0) Retracted$100,000.00
Explanation:Its not a real item :-)
Bid:May-31-01 17:13:50 PDT
RetractedJun-01-01 16:48:54 PDT
ebay@whatsyourpoint.com (18) star Retracted$10,000,000.00
Explanation:i meant to bid 10,000
Bid:Jun-01-01 16:28:50 PDT
RetractedJun-01-01 16:29:17 PDT
antimac420 (0) mask Cancelled$2,700.00
Explanation:Bidder has no intention of paying off his bid.
Bid:May-31-01 17:11:30 PDT
CancelledJun-01-01 18:06:06 PDT

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