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MTAA Links
To use either of the following ready-made links, follow the instructions.  It is easy!

If you are new to creating web pages, I suggest that you print this page first.  Either right click this page and select to print it...or, click "File" on the toolbar above, and select "Print" from the drop-down menu.

Take a few minutes to read this page and understand the instructions before proceeding.

Link Option #1:

(a) To just use the MTAA button itself without the black-bordered box and red background, right-click the "MTAA" button below (with the white background), select "Save Picture As", and save it on your computer...perhaps in an "Image" folder already created for your web pages.  It is already named as follows:


If you use a MTAA HTML editor, you can right-click the white-background button, select "Save As Picture", save it to your website's image folder, and then just paste or insert it onto your web page wherever you want it to be.  This procedure will NOT include the red background and the box with a black will only capture the button itself.


(b) If you want to duplicate the entire box above, and/or write your own HTML from scratch, the following is the HTML code for the above box and image.  The simplest thing to do to duplicate the above box in its entirety is to highlight the HTML code below, copy it, and then paste it into the HTML code of your page wherever you want the above box to appear (please see the "Explanation" at the bottom of this page).

If you want the MTAA button itself to reside on your host's server, then change the lettering in red to properly reference the file on your host's server where the image is stored, and the image name if you change it (please see the "Explanation" at the bottom of this page):

<div align="center"><center><table border="0" cellpadding="5" width="250" bgcolor="#000000" cellspacing="1">
<td valign="middle" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">
<a href=""><img  src=""
alt="Link MTAA" WIDTH="240" HEIGHT="20" BORDER="0"></a>

(c) If you use a MTAA editor and only used the button itself, after placing the above button on your webpage, use the following URL as the link clicking the button will take people to on my site:

Link Option #2

You can right click this button, save it to file as in the description for Link Option #1, and then insert it onto your page wherever you wish for the button to appear.  Use the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that is indicated under the button as the link for the button to send people to when they click on the button.

Link Option #3

You can right click this button, save it to file as in the description for Link Option #1, and then insert it onto your page wherever you wish for the button to appear.  Use the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that is indicated under the button as the link for the button to send people to when they click on the button.

Link Option #4:

(1) To use the following red box (it is a table with certain properties defined), follow the steps below:

click here

Dynamic Net Art site!   Discover powerhouse tactics to blast YOUR Internet artwork out-of-orbit!  Free tutorials, website design tips, and tons of information on dynamite promotion techniques.

Free NET ART, too!

2. To duplicate the above box, you can copy the following HTML code and paste it into the HTML coding on your links page.
(Note: you do not paste the following onto a visible web page in a MTAA must paste the following in the appropriate spot in the HTML code itself, pasting it within the code in the spot on your page that you want the box to appear.)

3. Changing the image source tag highlighted in bold red letters below:
If you do not want the above MTAA button image to be downloaded from my website, but instead want it to reside on your own host's servers, substitute the words between the parenthesis in the HTML code below with whatever file and image name you give the MTAA button following the instructions in Link Option #1(a) above when you right-click the button and save it to your computer.   This tag is specifying the location of the button image on your host's server.   If you don't do this properly, you'll have one of those blank squares with an "X" that you see when you visit a site and the image fails to load!

You will have to place the image on your host's server as well as the following HTML code on your page.  As noted above, if you have an "Image File" placed on your server, simply upload the MTAA ".gif" button to that file, and reference it appropriately in the image source tag below.

For example, by reading the image source tag below, you can see that I have an "IMAGE" folder for my site.  Any image contained on any of my website's pages is contained within this same image folder.  Therefore, the tag below tells a browser to insert the button named "aa_button.gif" from the "images" folder located on my server (please see the "Explanation" at the bottom of this page).  The image source tag included in the HTML coding below looks like this:
<img src="<img src="" width="240" height="20" border="0" alt="Link to MTAA">
(Do not copy this is already included in the complete link HTML code below.  The tag above is only shown for illustrative purposes.)

4. Copy and paste the following into your HTML coding wherever you want the above box to appear:

<div align="center"><center>
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" width="250" height="200" bgcolor="
<td valign="top
" align="left" bgcolor="#FF0000" width="100%">
<p align="center">
<a href=""><small><font face="Arial">
<img src="" width="240" height="20" border="0" alt="Link to A&amp;A MTAA"><br>
<strong><font color="#FFFFFF">click here</font></font></strong></small></a></p>
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><small><strong>Dynamic net art site!  &nbsp; Discover powerhouse tactics to blast YOUR Internet artwork out-of-orbit!&nbsp; Free tutorials, website design tips, and tons of  information on dynamite promotion techniques.</small></font></strong></p>
<p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial"><strong>Free NET ART, too!</strong></font>

The above HTML code will duplicate the red box.  It will retrieve the MTAA button image from MY host's servers, inserting the button on YOUR page as seen by a visitor to your is how it works:

I am surfing the Internet, and I come to your site.  When I click on the link to your "links" page (or whatever page you put the above red box on), my browser is actually getting its instructions on what to display from the HTML code of that page on your site.  The above HTML code tells my browser to retrieve the MTAA button from the above file on MY HOST'S server, insert it as you see it above, and then the rest of the HTML code of your web page tells my browser to insert the button within a "table" along with the text you see in the above read box.

The above red box is actually a table that the above HTML is telling my browser (as a visitor to your site) to display as: 250 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall; the table has a black border around it; the table has a red background; the table is to be centered; the MTAA button is to be centered within the table, and inserted as you see it above; and under the button is the text you see.

If you decide to place the above "box" on a page, it will appear in the middle of the page.  If you place it within another table, it will be centered within that table!  Just make sure that the table you place it in is bigger than 250 pixels wide by 200 pixels tall.

Additional Banners & Buttons

I have created several more banners and buttons for you to choose from...go to the following page to check them out:

Click Here Banners and Buttons

If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to email me:

click mailbox to email me


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