project name : flesh
description : a story translated into a java program
version : 1.01
development tool: java 2, jdk 1.3.1
authors: script by paula chou, program by chih-min chen
last modification date : 09-09-2001
copyright(?) - all rights reserved by paula chou and chih-min chen
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Flesh extends Applet {
He he = new He();
She she = new She();
HisLeftMind hisLeftMind = new HisLeftMind();
HisEyes hisEyes = new HisEyes();
HisFinger hisFinger = new HisFinger();
HisArms hisArms = new HisArms();
HisBody hisBody = new HisBody();
HisCheek hisCheek = new HisCheek();
HisPieces hisPieces = new HisPieces();
TheHouse theHouse = new TheHouse();
TheFamily theFamily = new TheFamily();
TheCat theCat = new TheCat();
TheClinic theClinic = new TheClinic();
TheCops theCops = new TheCops();
ThePages thePages = new ThePages();
TheWorld theWorld = new TheWorld();
public void init() { }
public void start()
hisLeftMind.caressing(she, she.dreams(true));
he.tasting(she.theMoistureOutOfHerMouth, she.walks(true));
theHouse.forHimself = true;
he.noNeedForTheMoney = true;
he.almostMissed(theCat, he.opened(theHouse.theGarage));
int days;
for (days=0; days < FOR_TWO_DAYS; days++)
theCat.cameBack(LIMPING, SICK);
he.took(theCat, theClinic.theVet);
int times; int inspection;
for (times=0; times < FOR_SEVERAL_TIMES; times++)
inspection = theClinic.theVet.flipped(theCat, theClinic.theTable, times) & theClinic.theVet.rolled(theCat, theClinic.theTable, times);
he.wasToldTo(he.toLeave(theCat), IN_THE_CARE_OF_THE_CLINIC, FOR_A_DAY);
he.wasToldTo(theCat.hadDied(), VOID, AN_HOUR_LATER);
hisEyes.gaped(theCat); he.grewNumb(AT_THE_EFFORT);
theCat.wasStiff(he.scooped(theCat, theClinic.theJar));
he.hadDecided(he.toDo(NOTHING), MORNING, he.gained(he.sense));
he.signed(he.havingToConfront(THE_COPS, ABOUT_THIS_MATTER));
he.couldJustDisposeOf(MAYBE, theCat, HIS_DAILY_TRASH);
he.stormed(theHouse.theRoom, SECONDS_LATER);
theCops.knockedOver(A_TRAY_OF_EQUIPMENT, theCops.cameIn());
theClinic.theVet.refusedTo(theClinic.theVet.unscrew(theClinic.theVet.himself), theClinic.theChair);
he.theTingeOfExcitement = he.toLocate(he.stirredIn(he.hisSleep) & he.sloppingThrough(he.himself, SLOWLY, UGLY));
thePages.theGlibness.amongOthers = she.hadStudied();
theHouse.theRoom.theBobbingClamor.belched(theHouse.theRoom.theDoor.theRift = theHouse.theRoom.theDoor.channeledTheDoor());
hisArms.immure( hisArms.stretched(WIDE), she.herBreath);
she.theLassitude.tied(she.herLimbs, TO_THE_FLOOR);
hisBody.shifted(LANGUIDLY, he.mourned(theFamily.theLossOfHerFamily = true));
theFamily.theirDevastation.drove(he.himself, theHouse.herRoom);
he.licked(THE_AIR, FOR_HER_FAVOR, he.embraced(THE_AIR));
she.herBody.theForgoingOf.hadMade(he.himself, he.satisfied = true);
he.hadKnown(she.herself, AS_NO_ONE_HAD_KNOWN_HER);
he.possesses(she.herself, WITHOUT_THE_INTERFACE_OTHER_AND_TIME);
theWorld.ages(BEYOND & theHouse.theRoom.itself, (BEYOND & he.himself) & (he.hisFlesh.isSoakedIn(she.herEssence)));
hisPieces.scudded(BETWEEN & theHouse.theRoom.theWalls, THROUGH & THE_COLORS, hisEyes.hung(BEFORE_ALL));
/********************** Class He **************************/
class He extends Object{
int hisSleep;
int himself;
int theTingeOfExcitement;
int theCornerOfHim;
boolean satisfied;
boolean noNeedForTheMoney;
int sense;
void livesUnder (She whom){ }
void livesBefore (She whom){ }
void grewNumb(int how){ }
void tasting (int what, int when){ }
void hadBuilt(TheHouse what){ }
void hadBargainedFor(TheFamily Whom){ }
void hadBargainedFor(She Whom){ }
void almostMissed (TheCat theCat, int when){ }
int opened (TheHouse.TheGarage what){ return 0; }
void took(TheCat what, TheClinic.TheVet whom){ }
void wasToldTo(int what, int forWhat, int forHowLong){ }
int toLeave (TheCat what){ return 0; }
int scooped(TheCat what, TheClinic.TheJar where){ return 0; }
void hadDecided(int toDoWhat, int untilWhen, int afterWhat){ }
int toDo(int what){ return 0; }
int gained(int what){ return 0; }
void walked(TheClinic where){ }
void cleaned(TheClinic where){ }
void signed(int atWhatThought){ }
int havingToConfront(int who, int aboutWhat){ return 0; }
int stirredIn(int inWhere){ return 0; }
int sloppingThrough(int what, int how, int andHow){ return 0; }
int toLocate(int inWhat){ return 0; }
void couldJustDisposeOf(int mayBe, TheCat ofWhat, int withWhat){ }
void stormed(TheHouse.TheRoom outOfWhere, int when){ }
int stiffened(int how){ return 0; }
void shifted(){ }
void shivered(){ }
void regaledWith(int what){ }
void hadGoneTo(int where){ }
int mourned(boolean what){ return 0; }
void licked(int what, int forWhat, int when){ }
int embraced (int what){ return 0; }
void hadKnown(int whom, int asHow){ }
void possesses(int whom, int inWhatWay){ }
class HisFlesh extends He{
int isSoakedIn(int where){ return 0; }
HisFlesh hisFlesh = new HisFlesh();
/********************** Child Class of He **************************/
class HisEyes extends He{
void smoothing(int what){ }
void gaped(TheCat what){ }
int hung(int how){ return 0; }
class HisFinger extends He{
void moved(){ }
class HisArms extends He{
int stretched (int how){ return 0; }
void immure(int how, int forWhat){ }
class HisCheek extends He{
void wasLaidAgainst (She.HerCheek what){ }
void savoring(int what){ }
class HisBody extends He {
void shifted(int how, int when){ }
class HisPieces extends He{
void scudded(int betweenWhere, int throughWhat, int when){ }
/********************** Class She **************************/
class She extends Object {
int herFeet;
int herDisheveledHairs;
int theMoistureOutOfHerMouth;
int herBreath;
int herLimbs;
int herExistence;
int herself;
int herEssence;
int dreams(boolean asSheDreams){ return 0; }
int walks(boolean asSheWalks){ return 0; }
void dawdled(){ }
int hadStudied(){ return 0; }
void stood(int how, int when, int likeHow){ }
void watched(int when){ }
void hadLoungedAt(int atWhere){ }
void dwindled(){ }
class TheLassitude extends She{
int tied (int what, int toWhere){ return 0; }
TheLassitude theLassitude = new TheLassitude();
class HerScent extends She{
int hadTurned(int how){ return 0; }
HerScent herScent = new HerScent();
class HerBody extends She{
class TheForgoingOf extends HerBody{
int hadMade(int whom, boolean feelWhat){ return 0; }
TheForgoingOf theForgoingOf = new TheForgoingOf();
HerBody herBody = new HerBody();
class HerCheek extends She{ int theSurface;
HerCheek herCheek = new HerCheek();
class TheWarmth extends She {
int oscillatedOver(int where){ return 0; }
TheWarmth theWarmth = new TheWarmth();
/********************** Misc. Classes **************************/
class TheHouse extends Object{
boolean forHimself;
int herRoom;
void hadBeenSoldTo(TheFamily Whom){ }
class TheGarage extends TheHouse{ }
TheGarage theGarage = new TheGarage();
class TheRoom extends TheHouse{
int itself;
int theWalls;
class TheBobbingClamor extends TheRoom{
void belched (int fromWhat){ }
TheBobbingClamor theBobbingClamor = new TheBobbingClamor();
class TheDoor extends TheRoom{
int theRift;
int channeledTheDoor(){ return 0; }
TheDoor theDoor = new TheDoor();
TheRoom theRoom = new TheRoom();
class TheFamily extends Object{
boolean theLossOfHerFamily;
class TheirDevastation extends TheFamily{
int drove (int whom, int toWhere){ return 0; }
TheirDevastation theirDevastation = new TheirDevastation();
class TheCat extends Object{
int itsOwnFluid;
void wasStiff(int when){ }
int hadDied(){ return 0; }
void hadWentOut(int doingWhat){ }
int rummaging(int forHowLong){ return 0; }
void cameBack(int how, int andHow){ }
void hadVomited(int forWhat){ }
class TheCarcass extends TheCat{
void laidImmersed(int inWhat){ }
TheCarcass theCarcass = new TheCarcass();
class TheClinic extends Object{
class TheVet extends TheClinic{
int himself;
void told (int whom, int what){ }
int flipped(TheCat what, TheClinic.TheTable where, int how){ return 0; }
int rolled(TheCat what, TheClinic.TheTable where, int how){ return 0; }
void refusedTo(int doWhat, TheClinic.TheChair fromWhere){ }
int unscrew (int what){ return 0; }
TheVet theVet = new TheVet();
class TheTable extends TheClinic{
TheTable theTable = new TheTable();
class TheJar extends TheClinic{
void tumbled(){ }
TheJar theJar = new TheJar();
class TheChair extends TheClinic{
TheChair theChair = new TheChair();
class ThePages extends Object{
void fluttered(int toWhere){ }
class TheGlibness extends Object{
int amongOthers;
void wasSluicedAway(){ }
TheGlibness theGlibness = new TheGlibness();
class TheCops extends Object{
void knockedOver(int what, int when){}
int cameIn(){ return 0; }
void wereToldTo (int doWhat){ }
int pickUp(int what){ return 0; }
void broughtBack(int what){ }
class TheWorld extends Object{
int ages(int beyondWhere, int beyondWhom){ return 0; }