As president of marketing, product management, and engineering, Rebecca Ward has got a lot on her plate, and finding the right way to bala
nce such diverse components isn't easy. But with a background adept in all of those areas, Ward is making significant headway for Digex, a managed hosting solutions provider.
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British Telecommunications (BT) had a fairly typical need that it was hoping the evolving Web-services field could meet. As a large company, with multiple divisions and numerous technologies at work, it wanted to get systems working together without having to switch over to a single platform-which is not a realistic option in any large company [see "Bridging Troubled Waters," Oct. 2001, p. 42], much less in one of the world's foremost telecom providers.
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What Could .NET Mean for Mobile?
Microsoft has released the first version of its long awaited
.NET My Services tools, previously known as Hailstorm.
What the tools show is the most significant shift toward personal
computing since the idea of a "computer on every desk" was
first suggested.
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WAPpy New Year
By Rob Gallagher
Christmas 2000 proved to be a happy holiday for the mobile industry
as present-hunters bought phones by the truckload. So will this
year's festive season be the one to put the net phones under the tree?
"In a word, no," said Delia MacMillan, principal analyst for Gartner
Dataquest's mobile communications group. "In terms of mobile data,
messaging and all those exciting things, there really hasn't been
anything service providers have that they could push."
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