postcards.from.eutopia is a simple, bureauratic interface that will collect information from visitors and compile that information into the form of a postcard that can be printed and sent to a pre-selected entity that is making decisions about our biological future.
The postcard images are of the transitional spaces of the international airport. Spaces that are at once historical and futuristic, but
always under construction. The modern airport, like the internet, is a space where mobility is the game, and traffic is considerably monitored, directed, and controlled by signs. Borders are expanding and contracting in efforts to increase the movement of capital while confining most of the world's people -becoming naturalized, biological limits, rather than geographic, national delineations. But like the uncontrollability of genetic material, resistance can find mobility in unfinished spaces of construction.
This online interface is an accompaniment to the mobile site of the
all images and graphics copyleft
ryan griffis