To start open the "dbClickMe.htm" file by double clicking on it. Runs best on PC, at 800x600 with IE and JavaScript enabled. Toggle F11 key. The entire CD-ROM contains only the five following file types: .txt-this readme text file. .htm-which is short for html and allows your browser to display the file as a web page. .js-javascript page used in conjunction with the .htm page .gif-graphic file .jpg-graphic file There are no other file types present, all files have been scanned and tested and have been found to be consistently functional and virus-free. There is no "AutoRun" to automatically start the CD, you must manually open the "dbClickMe.htm" file to start. The links presented herein are for quick and easy navigation within this project only. Please visit to navigate through all other links not active here. "Hey!,Ufunk'nwithmyDNA?" by Reginald Brooks including: From Clarity to color...The Dynamic, Streaming "Creation GoDNA"Jigsaw Puzzles and, 3 white papers from art theory 101; Page 2: PIN: Pattern in Number...from primes to DNA. A brief primer on visual patterns found in simple, well known number systems leading into the remarkable number magic and esthetic beauty of the DNA double helix (axial view) found in Page 3. GoDNA and continued in Page 4. SCoDNA below. Page 3: GoDNA: the Geometry of DNA (axial view) revealed. Which came first? The self replicating underlying geometry or the form itself with its dependence on enzymes, hydrogen bonding and a matching code of bases? Page 4: SCoDNA: the Structure and Chemistry of DNA (axial view). Extending GoDNA into the realm of structural detail and chemistry forming the composite design. All DNA works online: 2001. All works copyrighted 2002, Reginald Brooks. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copy or use is not allowed. This CD has been prepared for the sole purpose of presenting the work of the artist to you for your personal (noncommercial) use and enjoyment. Please enjoy the lighthearted fun and pun contained within. The artifice presented here will NOT actually affect you or others physically, mentally or otherwise, other than the playful examination of the purely intellectual concepts of altering your actual genetic code to a preference you have selected...and of course the whole idea that the options you hypothetically have been offered could ever actually be implemented in a given person by gene alteration. Creation GoDNA, the colorful display of the generic, axial DNA molecule is symbolically presented as a composite of eight variable bands...with each band typically having some 25 variations. The variations might represent the variations in the DNA sequence, or code, that go together to make up the living person. For any given color at a given time, there are some 6 billion possible combinations to go with it to make a whole GoDNA, and, since there are typically 25 color variations within each band, there are some 1.5 trillion theoretically possible combinations. Good luck finding them all! The computer, despite the randomizing program, tends to act lazy in that it will often default to it's favorites...which can be overcome by quick-clicking two or more color links. Creation GoDNAs 1-10 present a spectrum in which the variable patterns of different GoDNA groups merge into each other, culminating in #10. I will leave the interpretation to the viewer. Enjoy but do not be mislead by this or any other offer to provide you with a simple solution to a life different from your own. This work certainly will not. ~Reg Brooks, May 2005