claris life

1996-06-13 mind:181 lumps of matter
1996-06-21 mind:185 exchange of energy
1996-06-21 mad:189 glad I can act mad
1996-06-21 words:193 nobody measures my words
1998-06-08 bots:196 your heart beating strongly
1998-05-29 bots:206 een stem die de woorden stuurt
1998-05-29 bots:210 your language is not mine
1998-05-29 bots:211 your language is not mine
1998-05-29 bots:212 let me touch you
1998-11-30 radio time circle:233 participation
1998-12-01 time circle: 245 participation
1998-12-01 time circle:247 east time zones picture and calls
1998-12-01 time circle:248 time zones
1998-12-01 time circle:249 west time zones picture and calls
