det-digit harvestmen lab
445/06 part2
The insects are mutated.

On many places in the kerguelen (total area 7215 km2) where the birds make their nest on the ground for lack of trees wild cats, descendants of pets left by seal hunters and winter visitors, are hunting. The cats don't have enemies and they devour thousands of birds.
There are sheep on my island. I brought them from El Fuego, my earlier address. I take comfort in the learning that on kerguelen many sheep are neglected and now they have a great resistance towards coldness.

There are also insects brought along with the visitors in their luggage. They can't fly in connection with the strong wind and after some time their wings shriveled.

All over the place I find rabbit holes and under my feet there is an extensive web of tunnels.

The imported rabbits eat all the kerguelen cabbage so nothing is left for me.The kerguelen cabbage is a relic of the time the temperature on kerguelen was high. The leaves of the cabbage contain ascorbic acid, the remedy against scurvy. The cabbage has saved many sailors.

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a project of det-digit-arthouse