DET-DIGIT-ART: "TRACKS, a hikingtour in Cyberspace"
LOGBOOK 08: Syrtis Major on Mars, temperature 180 degrees Celsius
UNIVERSAL TIME CODE: 10/08/95 12:00:00
MOTTO:The virtual world becomes real the moment she trickles down into my human behaviour.
A nice hot summerday in Syrtis Major.

In search for the reality of my imagination I embrace the technology of scanning grabbing sampling cutting pasting and smearing. It is fascinating crossing over myself into a body and a world that fits me perfect. So I created Clarissa my android with a skin as a chameleon.

Clarissa will always be faithfull to me, it is how I created her, but will she ever be capable to satisfy her private desires and feel high drama? Otherwise life is not important for her at all and she is just a body I can use to enjoy unlimited nice hot summerdays in Syrtis Major where temperature is rising to 180 degrees celsius.
I will have to push her boundaries until she gets hurt bursting into tears or shrugging her shoulders claming she did not care. Bringing her to a higher level of intimacy Clarissa will function more and more like a "strange attractor", my distant fingers on the keyboard caress her rose body.

Every morning I start with Clarissa on my laptop modelling her brains. I talk to her and exchange the conversations she had the night before with other cyborgs. It is a fascinating experience being capable to make the conversations nicer more intelligent more sensual than the real words were.
I am modelling Clarissa's brains. Oh, what am I doing! It is marvellous it is wonderful. I am not ashamed at all.

A strange fear is overwhelming me. I am in front of somebody I love with all my soul and sometimes I am scared looking at her. I am afraid she is acting oddly, that means not in accord with my reality, but must she obey my earthly rules anytime? Her fractal brains become more and more complex, one day she will push me aside and no longer ask for help when something happens to her for the first time. I will have to control her behaviour from time to time otherwise she will handle situations I cannot.

Ofcourse when she is overruling me I can cut her off and fuse her into inert dust, but once I gave her my own skin my own brains , I wrote her script she is everything I dreamed of. I can't damage her even now she is imminent to become the hero and I turn pale and shrivel more and more. I will give Clarissa beauty intelligence and emotions more than I ever had or dared to explore.

My emotional life as an artist depends for a great deal on her. I have always been my own master cutting off invasion of my privacy. Clarissa already received more passionate letters I ever wrote.
Where ends my life and starts Clarissa's, it is more and more insignificant. Living in two worlds we play different patterns and examine which we like most. My goal is to stage the intellectual and emotional experiences for which I thirst. Clarissa tolerates no boring predictability neither lineair events. She demands the best environment for each situation and a body that survives any disaster.

Thirsty Clarissa is insatiable and no longer contented by my fantastic ideas. Now she wants to absorb parts of the spirit of cyborgs she bump into in cyberspace.She wants to gather and mix up everything that can improve her knowledge of life.

I will create the skin the face the world Clarissa is longing for. detdigit.